Aug 08, 2005 02:00
Disclaimer: if you're not bored, just don't read it.
Ok so I had my little bottle of a drink called "french kiss" that I got in a birthday bundle from one of the best friends I've ever had (that I still rarely see or talk to).....and some vodka, and other shit and I'm about to hit the rum if that still doesn't make me start to see little people and swirley star-type things.
Is it a problem when you're up at two in the am getting drunk just to go to sleep?
I'm thinking about taking that job...because I want a life where I can do what I want, not support the ex (with whom I'm still in love with...many tears and sighs later).
And I blew off a friend this weekend. Oh well, sad and oh so frequent story in the past months of my life, eh? (what the fuck, am I canadian?!....ignore me)
I neeeeeeeed to sleep. Badly. I just wish that I didn't have so much on my mind that I couldn't sleep. I need to search for a therapist. *sticks tounge out at the world* Therapists can kiss my ass, all the they do is cause more confuddeled-ness....yeah..
And if I wasn't to busy consumed with the "getting drunk-ness" I would put a lj cut so you wouldn't have to read the bullshit....but that's why nobody comments in my journal anymore...because I'm a drunk fool.
I wish everyone wrote journal entries under the infuluence....yeehaw.