So, I’ve been thinking about some stuff that has bothered me this past week. So, I am gonna post it.
I’ve had to make the horrible decision about having to lock my journal….eventho I am quite an open person and I am pretty much willing to talk about any subject….due to a certain few who always take things I say and either twist them…or stalk the hell out of me and get heavily frustrated and start flipping out. it also doesn’t help that the majority that read this live in the same small town as I do….and my working at a popular establishment and being one of the towns must recognizable people doesn’t help either. I do, surprisingly enough, enjoy certain things in my life very much and would really rather other peoples opinion to stay out of it. with that said…..
It seems that there are a few that are voicing their opinions about my current relationship, that being with Nathan Driver, who is an ex that was quite a serious relationship. Yes, we got back together….he was the one who spear headed that one….its something that we both had to a lot of considering….just due to the fact that we did have the relationship that we did the last time. Obviously it was to get back together….to have the proper go at something that both of us feel that can be a great steady thing for many years to come.
I would really much rather anyone who is objected/offended/hurt to remember that this is a relationship between Nathan and myself….and not you. We’re not going stop doing what we are doing cause of you….so, get over it. I don’t mean to sound mean, and I’m not with him to cause anguish…..I’m with him cause I love that fucker and I mean the hell to him. So, I ask that you don’t care….cause you shouldn’t….and let us be.
Other than me stating all of this…I’m really not gonna care….he’s not gonna care….and we are going to be completely retarded for eachother till we decide that we got all of this out of our system…be that whenever.
Thank you for not caring.