Yeah, so....I love my house. You know its love when you can put up the shit that it keeps giving you. Oh my fuckin GOD.

Apr 18, 2004 21:59

So, yeah….needless to say, this weekend was full of firsts. The first dinner in the house was in ‘n out. The first major appliance was a tv. The first movie watched was kill bill vol. 1. The first fridge I ever had to buy. The first thing in the fridge to be chilled was beer. My first kitchen table. The first person to spend the night besides me was Devin. Yeah, we had fun….

So, yeah….besides all of the ups….there were more downs. Okay, yeah….so we have to ghetto rig all of the electricity needs. Um, the house has like NO OUTLETS! Yeah, you think I would’ve noticed that. There is one outlet that gives power to 2 other outlets. Yeah, that’s no good cause you can’t plug a TV, fridge, microwave, and a monster that is my computer into a single energy source. Yeah….that’s created enough problems thus far. Enough problems for me to want to punch someone. The microwave is currently sitting outside on the landing….its not really outside….its just not in the main house. We found out about the outlets being fake when we were having to unplug the feeder cable to the fake outlet. There is one in the dinning room and one in the living room. I knew about the living room and found out about the one in the dinning room when we unplugged the cable and the fridge went off. Yeah…..the joy my house is.

Funny story about the guys who delivered my fridge….yeah, my small fridge has a hard time making it through the front door….that was funny. They unscrewed the doors off of the fridge….the guy started talking to me….and I forget the circumstances but, the guy referred to dev as my husband. I thought that was fuckin hilarious. Considering the guy I got my couches from earlier that day, asked if dev was my brother. So, yeah…dev has the nicknames of the darkness and the husband. He said he has to buy me a ring now….oh how fuckin funny.

I got a cabinet hung in the bathroom…and a lot of power cables mounted to the walls. We were goin to install another shelf for in the closet in the bedroom…but the one we got was toOo big. I was fuckin pissed about that. The extension cord we bought for my closet in the living room (aka my office) was toOo short…damn, and we even measured shit out too….spent 30mins in home depot to take back some stuff. Yeah, today was a tad stressful. But a lot was moved this weekend. Which is good….considering I have to be out like, preferable, by tomorrow. Kinky is Tuesday and Wednesday. We get to chill with them tomorrow. A little meet and great thing. I guess the girl who is the director is wiggin out cause she doesn’t want girls goin after the boys….hhmmmm, cant help that. Them boys aren’t to bad lookin…and they are Mexican. I cant help myself. Shit, my first little crush was on this guy in kindergarten named Martín. And I’ll more than likely marry me a Mexican. Yeah…I wont promise anything. Besides, I owe autographs to the Frankie. He told me to do what I needed to get autographs. Yeah….all I know is that I am the one who is more than likely giving the boys their breakfasts.

My computer needs to get moved….but, I am holding out on that one. Waiting till I have to get it out. I don’t want to not have access to internet. I am pretty sure I can afford it buy next week. Hopefully by this Friday. Get paid well this next week. Till then…I have to keep driving here to check my email and post in this bitch.

oh, still need someone to fuck.....havent done that in the house yet....any takers on who wants to be the first?

till then…hope no one dies
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