(no subject)

Dec 27, 2007 03:50

Many apologies to anyone who reads this journal regularly -- I have been unable to update as of late. I have been put into a rather... compromising position.

Which prompts a full explanation, I am aware. I am currently in police custody, handcuffed to a detective, L. I am the man who committed one of the first murders in the recent string -- the woman, found in an alley, with an L carved into her chest.

Though I am sure L has explained himself, I am currently handcuffed to him because he knows me best and he is quite aware that I would abide no other imprisonment -- he is also aware that I could escape any other imprisonment. He is a man that can reach my level of thought and as such, the only one currently able to hold me in custody for any significant length of time.

That said, I wish to issue this as a public statement not to ask for forgiveness or apologize -- I am not regretful of my actions in a way that the public would neccessarily appreciate, though I do regret it to an extent -- but rather, I merely wish to assure the public that one, I am accepting responsibility for my actions and two, I am no longer an immediate threat, unless I were to escape.

I suppose this is a Holiday Gift to the masses, now that I am no longer able to hand out Peace and Justice as Kira by killing those who would bring fear and hate into the world. Instead of erasing the fear and hate for others, perhaps I can ease people's fear of me -- if, indeed, there is any. I am quite aware that I am not the most reputable killer in this world, and that... I am not sure yet if it is a good or a bad thing. Time will tell on this subject.

On an unrelated note, does anyone happen to know of any shinto or buddhist shrines that will be welcoming the new year with 108 tolls of a bell? It seems to be about time that I began revering the dieties again.

[Private; extremely difficult to hack]
I am becoming quite... irritated by these handcuffs. I'm developing small sores from the rubbing and green rings around my wrist from the metal. The restroom is a... difficult subject and cooking anything healthy is all but impossible.

He wasn't kidding when he said this would be a punishment, but it may well be bordering on inhumane. I can understand holding me under severe scruteny. Even the handcuffs are reasonable, but let hell damn him, I want some goddamned vegetables! Is it so horrible to want for a salad, some carrot or sweet potato? God forbid I ask for a Leek.

If this keeps up, I don't know what I'm going to do.

I swear, one more dish of red bean ice cream and I'm going to vomit. On his annoying little cat.
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