Things people do to their library books that they shouldn't

May 11, 2007 03:09

1. Oh my god, do NOT take them into the toilet with you! I don't care if you're bored in there while you're about your business, take something else, take something you *own*, take a newspaper or a magazine. Just not something that at a later point someone else is guaranteed to handle.

2. I respect the joy of reading at the beach but sand and salt is bad for books, not to mention water, so even if you're careful it's still not ideal. If you want to read at the beach, don't bring a library book, bring something cheap and, most importantly, *yours*.

3. Don't take the plastic wrapped and taped dust-cover off while you're reading them. I or someone like me is going to have to try to put that dust-cover back on, or re-code it and re-cover it with plastic wrap. With my own books, I take them off, but those are my own books, not covered library books with the barcodes and call numbers on them.

4. Somewhat related to number 3. The dustcover is also not for you to mark your page. We provide a variety of pretty and/or informative bookmarks, use one of them, take a bundle if you need to.

5. I'll notice those coffee stains on the cover, I can in most cases scrub it off but I'll make a note of who you are. Same goes for the smell of cigarette smoke.

6. As there is a fine for people who deface our books, there should be an automatic fine for people who dog-ear them too, one that is especially steep for the people who fold the page in half.

7. The magazines are not for you to cut things out of. Unless you're taking back issues we no longer want, do not cut pictures or recipes out of our magazines.

8. If you shelve a book, put it where you found it, or just don't shelve it at all, put it on a returns trolley.

ETA: Haha, work totally rules. A few days after I posted this I brought home some old "Delicious" mags, and this week, when I went to make some of the rather enticing looking cupcakes I found that the pages for that recipe have been torn out. Looks like I've been broadcasting a negative frequency to the Universe.

books, work, bitching, anecdotes

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