Title: Jigsaw Falling Into Place (1/1)
spinawebofsound aka
be_foundPairing(s), Character(s): Mohinder/Sylar (as Nathan). Mentions of Molly, Monica, Micah and Tracy.
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: This is set about 5 months after 03x25 and therefore contains spoilers for the finale. Also kinda angsty and contains character death.
Summary: Something draws
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I love that you have both Nathan and Mohinder feeling unsure. There's this uneasiness, but also this fascination that exists between them and slowly, through actions, conversations, you build up the clues...for both of them.
Somewhere between his own confession of weakness and the inability to stop himself from talking like an imposter- somewhere between the careful way Mohinder had listened to the his breakdown and his sudden outburst of anger... he had become someone else. Forgetting his family had no longer seemed important but fixing this clock, thinking about Mohinder, conjuring up landscapes he was certain he hadn’t driven through before... all of that brought him the calm he had so sorely needed.
I love this rejection of the facade and desperate grasp to who he really is.
And then Mohinder coming to him, confronting him, being that confidante. What a twist though to have Mohinder call him Zane! Now that's what takes this up another notch. Sylar comes back together with Mohinder's guidance and touch, acceptance, but Mohinder's also got some cards up his sleeve...maybe thinking he can manipulate the situation in a positive way.
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