Just a Few Comments

Feb 04, 2010 19:00

Okay, here's the thing.

I've had this account on LiveJournal for a while now, but have never actually posted anything.  I thought it was time to put something out there as I've commented on several stories and posts and don't want to appear creepy and stalkerish.  I'm not much of a writer, so I'll keep this brief.

I live a pretty boring but oddly content life.  I live in a small town in Ohio with my cat.  He graciously allows me to live in his house and pay the mortgage.  I'm a major geek and watch too much tv and too many movies.  I tend to prefer scifi and action, although I still love my chick flicks.  Music is another passion.  I like a little bit of everything -- it all depends on my mood.  My Zune is my favorite toy.

Finally, I'm a huge reader.  I will read just about any genre you can name.  Over the last year or so, I've totally embraced the fanfiction I've found on the internet.  My major fandoms are Stargate Atlantis, Supernatural, White Collar, NCIS and Firefly.  I'm trying to be less of a lurker and comment more.  However, I will probably only comment if I really like the story.  Hopefully now, if I comment on your story, you have some idea of who's reading.

I promised to keep this short, so that's enough about me.  If you're out there reading this, it's a pleasure to meet you!


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