My computer is f@&%ed!!! >_

Jul 07, 2008 21:55

Okay. So the title says all. Okay I guess I may be exagerating a little cuz it still works BUT!!! Not the way it should. So Uhm. I'm about to go into rant mode and I think I should give you all a proper warning before I do so. So yush. Here I go.

So to some this may seem like a big excuse cuz I didn't meet a dead line I'd promised very muchly. It sorta is, but some of the things that happened couldn't be helped I guess. So heres how the whole ordeal went down. So last week friday (the 27th of June) I went to my friend Ariel's house leaving behind all my worklike worries. While away I didn't touch a computer. So I couldn't work on anything. Which I don't care if I get yelled at for or not because I'm not so rude as to spend all my time on the computer while I'm over at her house. That night I fell asleep first so her laptop stayed off. Usually I don't fall asleep til well into the morning therefore I have a lot of time on my hands while she dozes, but ofcourse I passed out while listening to my mp3 player cuz I was over tired. The next day we went to my friend Jesse's for his open house. He didn't have a computer so that's that. Spent the night there with Ariel and we were awake till 5 in the morning. I slept in till about three pm. Jesse and Ariel were both awake before me. I needed my rest because they had kept me up all night. From Jesse's we went to our friend Brittany's for her birthday party. She didn't have a computer either. And once again I spent the night sleeping well into the next day. I didn't get home till tuesday and when I did get home I sat at the computer dutifully writing to try and make up for lost time. The next day there was a huge storm. The power went out. It didn't come back until two days later. By then it was the weekend again and my father was home so of course he had the computer constantly, but when the power came back on my brother's laptop was messing up and he wanted to get the important stuff from it before it crashed. So I gave him my dad's flashdrive...and mine. But before that I had to take everthing off of mine which included the story I'd been working on. We have an external hard drive for our computer and I put my stuff on that in the folder I kept all my music in not thinking about it at all. Now whenever I try to open the external hard drive the computer fucks up like mad and completly freezes. Fred is fucked! And now I feel bad cuz I havn't gotten it finished yet and I can't even try and write it cuz it fucks each time. Fucking figures the one time I don't write it in a note book something fucking happens. Is that how I'm to be rewarded for trying to help out my brother? What kind of shit is that?? I'm so god damned irritated right now. To Hannah I am so sorry!!! So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry!! I can't say it enough!!!!  To any one else I might have missed ( I know I did) I am truely and incredibly sorry!! I'm such an ungrateful git!! I just!!! UGH!!! I fucking hate my computer!!!! *grumbles meniacally*


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