Thirteen hours wait....just to get to you.

May 31, 2009 01:01

So a friend of mine complained reminded me to post something. And once she said it I was instantly sorry for my unintentional vow of silence. I didn't mean to. I just didn't think anything very eventful did happen for me to talk about so I'm pretty sure this will be pretty much rant and maybe like a letter to my dearest beloved, Hannah.

So you know how we were talking about convention this  summer? Yes. I have to make that awesomely incredible transition and I'm so gosh dern excited. lol We're going to be at my aunts house and I'm pretty sure it'll be just me and Tina unless my dad wants my mom to be there. HEY!! Get your mind outta the gutter! lol There shall be no shenanagins I'm afraid. I'd be to chicken. *snort* But yes. I'm thinking I'd just bring my radio down there and we could listen to music and talk. I've got this cool little hook-up that lets me listen to my mp3 (recently named Kevin) through the radio. Tis ersome. >D lol

So yeah. I totally have to accomplish that. *points at picture* The utter cuteness. The total genious I'd have to become. I've got the encredibly beat up sneakers (though I have to rub off the sharpie across the top that says Sephiroth. XD and take out the neon green laces ) I've got the jeans that sag like crazy. lol I've got wrappings to make me look flat. Cuz I already thought about it. Even slouching I don't think I could make myself look so small in the chest area. I just need to get the perfect shirt( which Tina said she had one I could borrow if I needed to) and then I've got to get my hair cut still. Because there is no way I'm wearing a wig. I'd be so annoyed. I've got hair moose and wax and stuff I can experiment with before hand so I'm not totally lame when we go. *Snort* So it should be good. :3 Except the OOC ness I know I'll bring. I'll end up seeing someone I like and be like OMFG!!SQUEEEE. lol Could you picture it? XDD

So I'm going from this *points down*                                                             To this *dies at cuteness*


So. Luck for me. lol

But Tina's I think is far worse of a choice. She's cosplaying as Orochimaru the first day and Saya the next. What a contrast. lol I'll have to make sure I borrow someones camera or I think I'd end up crying. Seriously crying.

So I've gotten a new pet too. He's the cutest litte bugger EVER!!!

His name is Leon. LIke lion, but also like Squall from FFVIII. If you've played KH you'd know what I'm talking about. :3 He's so cute!!! >D

Also Cat had a new kitten. lol She's so cute, but we havn't decided on a name yet. Awww. I dun have a picture of her on the computer yet!!! >_< lol I'll have to put one up later. :3

Speaking of pregnant. Did I mention my mom was having another baby? YAY!! *oozes sarcasm* Another child we can barely afford to feed.

OH and when I mentioned cosers eirlier I remembered this.

 Someone cosplaying as Rinoa from when we went to see the orchestra at the devos place I think. It was so wicked cool. But I think she was the only coser. lol

So then...shall I say farewell for now? Because I do need to sleep. lol So then I can get up and talk to you. :3  *snort* Hopefully this works out well. I'll be sad other wise. Uhm. I hope you had a fantastically wonderful day!! >D


I LOVE YOU!! *glomps*


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