Title: Doppelganger: Prologue, "His Name is Alonso"
heddychaaPairings: John/Ianto, Jack/Ianto, Jack/Alonso, Mickey/Martha, other canon relationships
Rating: R
Genre: Angsty eventual fix-it
Disclaimer: "Doctor Who" and "Torchwood", including characters, concepts, and events, belong to their respective owners, including but not limited to Russel T Davies and the BBC. This is a work of fan-appreciation and no profit is being made.
Summary: Twenty-six planets have appeared in the sky, and Mickey Smith has returned to the original Earth to help Rose Tyler and the Doctor stop the stars from going out. Little does he know, but one of his most loyal soldiers against the Cybermen has stolen Torchwood technology for personal gain. Broken and desperate, the doppelganger soldier doesn't care what damage he might do to the fabric of space and time as long as it brings him that little bit closer to the one person he's lost. Some people are worth risking everything, and allying with anyone, for.
This Chapter: Jack tries to decipher the Doctor's final gesture.
A/N: Thanks to the brilliant
_lullabelle_, who goes above and beyond "beta" to be a full-time cheerleader/idea-bouncer/brain-picker/bodice-ripper-checker. Any and all remaining errors are my own.
Prologue: “His name is Alonso”
He understands why the Doctor did it, of course. He unfolds the note, folds it again, looks over his shoulder to where Alonso is sprawled quite comically on his stomach on the bed, limbs out like a windmill. Unfold, fold, unfold, fold. The paper is nearly worn through. Jack supposes it’s how the Doctor lives with having to live on when he has to leave all those mortal women, women that he loves (each in their own way), behind. He wants to give that to Jack, thus the introduction. Jack appreciates the gesture, really, he does: Alonso is mild-mannered, always follows his lead, is almost quaintly principled, dirty minded, a little scarred, needing to give and to take. Jack likes having him around.
Unfold, fold. They might both be ancient in their own ways, but the Doctor and Jack are different, too. Jack, despite the way he’s acted recently, is still human. The Doctor walked away from Canary Warf, from Rose’s “death” there, and went on to pick up Martha because that’s what he’s always done and what he had to do, and damn the consequences for Martha. He didn’t even see them, and how could he? There was always that . . . disconnect, with him. Like he knew so, so much and yet these simple, very human, things escaped him. How could he know what it was like for her, to travel with this amazing man, knowing at the back of her mind that she was always just a replacement? It wasn’t fair to Martha, and it wasn’t fair to Rose. Maybe it’s presumptuous of Jack to think so, but he doesn’t think it was really fair to the Doctor either. But what does he know?
And now he is doing the exact same thing. He should really stop. Should really come clean with Alonso about the whole thing. Call it all off. Give himself time to mourn, because he’s not the Doctor. He knows that, now. The 456 settled that one. He tucks the paper into the pocket of his greatcoat, draped with care over the back of the captain’s chair at the front of the cramped ship. He turns back to the bed, climbs over Alonso’s sleeping body and, straddling his lower back, leans in to place a firm kiss on the young man’s neck, just where he’s ticklish under his jaw. He hears a muffled chuckle coming from within the pillow.
But he’s not the Doctor, and what does he know, really?
Go to Chapter 1:
Three Soldiers.
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