Hailsa All,
I just wanted to send out a quick thank you to everyone who graced our home with your company Saturday. The discussion, blot and sumbel all held deep reflections and meaning for me and I hope you all also got something out of it. It was also a heck of a lot of fun to host something. We haven't in such a long time it seems. Thanks also for all the yummy food and sweets folks contributed. I will post the chicken recipe, as requested. In the mean time, here are links to the two poems we read. Both are from 'Odin's Gift.' If you haven't explored that cool site yet, go for it...
http://www.odins-gift.com/poth/A-F/ancestor.htm http://www.odins-gift.com/poth/L-Q/listentothewind.htm Frith,
- eric