Apr 29, 2004 13:54
Today, well, sucks....
Apparently i missed out on good times last night at 0-3. Go figure.
Thats not why im writing today though.
Today im writing to ...i dont know...fuck..i dont know.
Im writing cuz this feeling thats haunted me for months now hasnt gone away. I want it to go away. But it wont. I feel very very very bad. In case im not stressing enough how bad i feel...let me give you an idea.
Since late february, there hasnt been one day where i havent cried about being in my position. Picture this..
1 yr. ago, your car is repossessed...
Then, you lose your illustrious job, cuz you have no car to get to work
Then, you do something WAY FUCKING STUPID, and you lose the best girl that ever happend to you
Then, by some fortune, this girl takes you back.
Then, you break your leg. and you lose your OTHER Job..cuz..well, its kinda hard to bounce when your leg is broken.
Then, your girlfriend goes "double jeopardy" on you and breaks up w/ you because of something/s in the past...which she had already broken up w/ you once before because of
Then...Your Gas is shut off
Then...the power...
Now, you have no money, no car, no girl, no heat or electricity...whats next you ask?
Well, this is where you are forced to move out of your place, and back in w/ your brother...in Grand Rapids...at damn near 30..
Oh, its not done yet.
You move in w/ your family, and they bust your ass..constantly.
You eventually find a job..but its the place where your brother works. Yeah, awesome huh? No...This job is at Meijer. at $6 an hour...yeah...now thats waaay awesome.
Ok, does it get worse? it sure does!
Cuz, w/ the inability to care about paying bills because of your depression, you realize that its gonna take AT LEAST 6 months before youre even out of debt. Mind you, thats still not having a car, or money for yourself. Yeah, and it sucks cuz you read about how EVERYBODY had fun last night ...except you..cuz you were working at meijer..for $6 an hr...for the next 6 months...before you even SEE the fruits of your labor. i mean, seriously...its like a Emotional/Financial prison.
Where is this light you ask...i dont see it. And these people that i supported while i let myself dwell in misery...guess what, they are doing AWESOME. and that just makes me even more pissed, and depressed, and who fucking knows what else. Its like, Life said FUCK YOU JIM!
I hearby enstate March 2003 to present as "The Worst Days of my life"
Really, whats left for me? Who fucking cares..right?
Well, im off to being miserable...have fun w/ your lives.