(no subject)

Dec 12, 2008 20:09

"Hey there, it's me. Adela. It's been ages since we talked. Yes, I've grown up a bit. Thanks for noticing, but my eyes are up here.

BritBrit and Byron have decorated the house for the holidays, the sproglets have helped out too. The Christmas tree only caught on fire once this year too. You have to be thankful for the little things I suppose. I suppose you want to know about what happened to Renee, after the I called the police.

After Renee sent me for a mop to clean up I went downstairs and told Byron and BritBrit "CODE NANNY", which was our secret signal phrase for "Drop everything now, grab the babies and the diaper bag and run!" I called the police. "There's been a murder. Actually quite a few murders, I'll explain when you get here, the murderer is still in the house. Yes, I'll wait outside by the mailbox."

Byron, and I, in exchange for immunity in the death of Nanny Karen, testified against Renee. She was amazing on the witness stand. Half the jury box was entranced by her charms and the other half was appalled. If not for our testimony and the house arrest bracelet placing her at the crime scene, she would have walked out innocent on a mistrial. She was convicted of the death of Dr. Richard, and was sentenced to 50 years in the Sunshine Acres Mental Hospital for the Criminally Insane.

We're going there to visit today, well at least I am.

Byron can't look Renee in the eyes after he heard what she had been planning for his young family. Oh Byron and BritBrit got married, finally. The wedding cake was made of DingDongs and Twinkies, and dinner featured a self-serve nacho bar. Classic BritBrit. Come on. I need the moral support.

"We're here to visit Renee Wormwood. They have to make sure you're not wearing or carrying in anything that could be used as a weapon."

"Hello Mom."

"Adela, it's been ages since you've visited. I see you've still got the scar."

"For the rest of my life Mom. Byron sends his regards."

"Is he still with that trailer park trash? I swear Byron always had more pity than sense. I remember when he kept crying at night over by the pond graveyard at the old house, he was crying about never knowing his Dad. Honestly, I never really knew his Dad, well I knew him in the Biblical sense, but just that once in the hot tub. He was so poor! Gah! So POOR!"

"You seem to be doing well, Mom."

"I'm the Queen Bee of this dump. I have over 8 boyfriends, some of them are guards. Shhh! Don't tell on me, sometimes they bring me scented soap or dental floss. I'm doing very well for myself."

"As long as you're safe I won't say a word, Mom."

"Hmph. I do like your outfit Adela. You're showing off more of your assets. What was it that you are doing again?"

"I'm a fetish model and I play the violin in a band now. You know that Mom. You just like leering at me when I say it."

"Well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, my pet. Make your Mom proud and bring some of those dirty photos next time. I'll give you some pointers."

"Visiting hours are over ma'am."

"Mom, I have to go now. Merry Christmas. Your grandchildren are growing up very well, Mom."

"I have grandchildren? Surely not, I'm barely old enough to be your mother. Hmph! Say hello to Richard for me, he never writes."

"I will, Mom. Good bye."


Thank you for reading my Wormwoods. It was a blast writing all twenty-nine updates.

wormwood legacy

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