thoughts on Doctor Who

Apr 23, 2011 22:05

So, I stayed away from tumblr and twitter and livejournal for pretty much most of the day until Id gotten a chance to watch the Doctor Who episode, and now that I have I feel like I can share my thoughts. Also I am waiting on HQ screencaps so that I can make icons, since I actually haven't made any icons in awhile.

Before I start, I just had the best veggie pizza, I am so sad it's gone.

Aside from a few elements that Moffatt always seems to reuse in a lot of his plotlines, I thought the episode was really good, Amy's grief over the death of the Doctor felt very real to me, I liked that scene, I feel there is such a strong familial sense between Amy and the Doctor, and this showed it to me a lot.

I felt like the episode was really overwhelming, like there was so much going on, the Silence, the Weevil like monsters,the space man, and was that the Fake TARDIS from The Lodger? Regardless I enjoyed it a lot and Matt Smith was both scary and hilarious and while I was kind of neutral on most of Season 5 I hope we start to get a lot more character growth out of everyone because I've always noticed Moffatt likes plot over character development.

River Song...I have never liked River Song, I tried really hard to like her in Season 5 and just couldn't find anything likable about her, she was cocky as hell and it drove me crazy. I think I would have liked her in the season finale if they didn't make her so damn...I don't want to call her a Mary Sue but the fact that the Dalek's are afraid of her, bugged the hell out of me. Nevertheless, I actually really liked her in this episode, a lot. So she may be winning me over, we will see but I enjoyed her character a lot this time around and may even get myself a River icon, although I don't want to get ahead of myself.

River foreshadowed her own death! When she said that she will meet him and he won't recognize her and it will kill her, Oh River, it really hit me hard and as someone who didn't like River until now that is saying something.

What I found interesting, was Amy being pregnant, if she is pregnant, I noticed that River protected Amy's stomach, so it was either a coincidence or she knows, and then there's a possibility of her being Amy's daughter to consider.

I still can't ship Eleven and River because I've got no idea who she is, but their flirting was precious. I do hope to come around and like River in this season.


Also, Rory is adorable. And lol Crowley.

ETA I am confused, I saw a comment refering the aliens as the Silence, are the aliens the Silence that was referred to in Season 5, did I miss that or something?

Oh and I've just thought of something! I think the Doctor sent the Astronaut to kill him so that Amy,Rory and River could go and investigate the aliens/space man in 1969.

where are the screencaps, i can't wait to make icons, oh man, in which i actually like river song, !public, doctor who is the greatest thing ever, doctor who is finally here

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