Just a few thoughts

Mar 06, 2012 15:14

I can't believe we are coming home tomorrow and I am back to work on Thursday. Part of me is dreading going back to work and that hasn't happened in such a long time. I hope once Petrol Age is over I can get my confidence back and start enjoying it again because most of the time I do.

I want to get a routine going of not staying late, running and I'm going to do my reflexology course for me. I need to sort out my weight I would like to loose 3 stone and that's not gonna be easy but I'd like to at lead lost 1.5 by August as its Sam wedding and I would love to look fabulous but feel it as well.

I also want to go out more so Friday afterwork drinks, cinema and some dancing. It's now March and there is no excuse and yes I know I write this whilst sitting by my aunts pool in Dubai in the sunshine but these thins are important.

At brunch this morning all these wife's were saying just move out here, come and work here as though it's really easy and would be great. Okay yes it may be great but it's not as easy and half the time I don't think I want to be in tv forever but I would still like to travel.

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