Jul 17, 2006 09:39
Has it really been a week since my last post? I suppose it has been. Not a whole lot has happened in the last week. This weekend I spend in Connecticut. My aunt and her family came up from their place in Bethesda to stay up the road from her parents (my dad's parents). I got to stay with her two nights with my little cousins. Caroline is 12, Emma is 9, and little Anabel is 4. Anabel is an adopted little Chinese girl. In years past when I've seen her, she's been quiet and shy. Yet, it appears now that either she's come out of her shell in a HUGE way, or they traded her in for another model. She was CONSTANTLY running around, giggling and screaming all the way.
The first morning there, the girls and I went to this enormous rummage sale to raise money for a local scholarship. I spend all of 9 bucks but bought two nice button down shirts, army fatigues for one brother, a shirt for the other, a shirt for a housemate, and a blazer. Giggity giggity.
My uncle Alexander also came up from his place in Montclair. With him came his wife who I adore and their two dogs. Alexander has always been that cool uncle who is younger than your father and always up for getting into trouble. At a barn dance I drank and drank with him, as well as received great uncly wisdom from him. He also said that if I can bear turning to the dark side--to "new tobacco" as he calls it--I can have a high paying internship with him at his pharmaceutical company next summer. Both he and Catherine really tried to drive home the value of making money early and then doing good things with it in my middle age. It's nearly impossible to do it the other way around. We'll see what I end up doing.
Make a lot of money? Hmmm, well if it's in the name of world peace...
My grandmother, usually omnipresent and neurotic (awful combination) was tame and rather scarce. Leave it to a solid bout of Lyme disease to do that to a person. My grandfather, former international lawyer for the UN, proclaimed "venomous snake" by the Iraqi press, and all around cool South African Brit, drove me both to and from Connecticut, giving us some good quality time to talk about all sorts of topics, especially politics. This mess in the Mid East? He is an expert. No WMDs? He called that back in 2002.
And yes, my parents and brothers came down from New Hampshire, but only for Saturday afternoon. It was nice seeing them, even though they forgot to bring my cleats. I only reminded them every day for a week...
So less then three weeks until I leave for Italy. I'm more excited than nervous. My only real nerves come from not having any money--I got another fucking cell phone bill today. No voicemail, shitty service, pay-per-text: fifty dollars. I tell ya, cell companies are satan-worshiping pagans I swear. Oh well, I'll have my routing number handy when I call home from Italy.
Lately, when I'm not fretting over money, I've been feeding my addiction to Football Manager 2006. This soccer managing simulator on my computer makes the hours fly by as I'm constantly changing tactics and trading players to achieve ultimate Premiership glory. It's pathetic, really. I watch little dots run around with a ball and that alone is enough to make or break my mood here at work. There. is. nothing. going. on. here. SOOOO slow!
All righty then. Ciao y'all.