What a weekend!

Jun 11, 2006 14:33

Thirty-six hours in three days! Reunion weekend was another raging success! And since reunion checks are cut from student accounts, That means twenty-six hours of overtime! But really, all these exclamation points are exaggerating how I feel right now. I am tired. I don't remember the last time I was so tired. I worked seventeen hours straight yesterday, including last minute DJing in the Mug. Now, let me be the first to admit that I enjoyed DJing for the most part. Sure, it was annoying when my carefully mixed songs from the 60s, 70s, and 80s gave way prematurely to the jarring "rhythms" of so-called "old school" rap and Madonna at the belligerent requests of inebriated alums (many of whom were old enough to be my mother but tried to take me home even after the point was made), but pleasing the geezers meant tips. One guy paid me $20 bucks to play "Like a Prayer." Now, I don't HAVE any Madonna. I am particularly proud of this fact. But this guy was adamant about me playing some, so I told him to get an ipod with Madonna on it and he obliged. Ick. THEN this other dude gives me a "Class of '91" mix which is all of the aforementioned old school rap. He wanted me to just let the mix play. See, alums feel that since they give a lot of money to the school they can be rude and selfish--and this is very true to a certain extent--but this guy was not only rude to me, but also the several other years who were at reunion, as well as the 75% of the rest of his class who were in his pathetic, stuck-in-the-void-of-pop-culture-that-is-the-early-1990s clique.

Yet, long hours and sauced seniors aside, I loved working reunion this year just as I did last year. I'm constantly on the go, picking people up, performing odd tasks and engaging the older classes, in particular, in small talk about what Vassar was (their contribution) and what is is today (mine). One lady told me about how she was a guest on SNL as a winner of a contest. See, back in '77 she wrote "save me" on the back of a Vassar post card with her ID stapled to it and mailed the card to Lorne who declared her the winner. She said that meeting Bill Murray was fantastic. Another lady just went on ad nauseum about her 6:30 am trips to the golf course daily before her 8:30 classes. Nearly every passenger asked me about my class year, my major(s), and whether or not I liked Vassar (but honestly, who's going to say they don't like it? These are ALUMS). They then would go on to tell me how much I'll love Italy next year as well as specific places in Italy and Europe that I should visit. One particularly spunky old husband (atypical of the "yes ma'am" husbands of most of the older classes) told me about some great brothels he heard about in Amsterdam). Thanks, Viagra.

I am exhausted now, but I hope to pop on over next door to watch some world cup and then perhaps go play a little footie at 6 before an early bedtime shortly thereafter.
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