Apr 14, 2009 21:24
So Fridays are normally my homework days. Last friday I sat down to work on the accumulated stack and said "Oh, all I have to do is read this book and some questions, then revise my research paper. No big deal. LET'S SLACK !"
Big mistake.
See, Saturday was the church easter egg hunt, as well as cleanup the house day and shop-for-easter-clothes day. So it was scrapped, homework wise. Then, the entire family descended for dinner on sunday, and didn't leave 'till 7:00 that night.
So I'm stuck trying to read this book AND revise the 14 page research paper before bed , which ended up about 1:30. I hate driving on so little sleep, especially the hour it takes to get to school from home.
Anyway, Friday night at our church performance, I'm goofing off with my friend and my sister slams my hand in the van door. No lasting damage except for some nasty blood blisters. Didn't even chip my nail polish, but boy it hurt!
Then, I had the bad luck to fall asleep trying to read during dinner on sunday, woke up to my uncle spraying whipped cream all over my toes.
Monday morning it rained and tried to blow me off the road on the way to school. Thankfully, keeping control of my car kept me awake.
Got to school and got a 70% on the research paper I had stayed up late to work on.
Had to follow that with a psychology test. (Complete digression- my psychology professor rocks. The question quoted Vinnie the gangster talking about 'youze getting whacked, capiche?" lol)
Drove back to the grandparents that night and parked my car in frontways, instead of backing in like Dad told me to, to minimize sunroof leakage. Got up this morning after the thunderstorm last night and had to deal with drips all the way to school.
Plus, apparently there is a bird with abnormally large bowels living in the tree I park under. Got up this morning to see the entire back passenger door coated in brownish white gunk. Backed in this afternoon and got it on the Drivers back door. Can't take the stupid thing through a car wash because the FREAKIN SUNROOF LEAKS!
At least I've got friday with Dani to look forward to. And Regina wants to do something on Saturday. Maybe this week(end) will be a little better.