While I really need to pick up some more work and earn some more money right now (you can see how seriously I am taking this can't you?) it is so tempting to relax into the laid back vacation that is the life of the casual worker. When I am actually at the museum, which isn't really that often given the short working days and the fact that I'm only picking up whatever's free, all I really seem to do most of the time is sit in the galleries and read a book. I can think of worse ways to spend a day.
I've just finished
Watching the English and so much is suddenly clear. I've been annoying everyone by saying things like 'Oh that's so English of you. It's in the book.' or alternatively 'That's not very English of you. Do you realise you're breaking the rules? You should read the book.' When Prince William broke up with his girlfriend and there was all this guff in the media about her mother being too 'common' I drove my sister up the wall explaining the taboo words and how if they'd just read the book they could have royalty for family by now. It has become abundantly clear, however, that I am a crass commoner from the colonies. Just can't escape my roots!
I'm now reading
Unspeak, which is getting a tad depressing, but is thought provoking. Language is powerful. I keep telling myself it's still a tool, and tools are only ever as good as the person using them.