(no subject)

Jan 24, 2005 16:45

Today was odd. But seriously, the weekend could have been a tad bit longer, don't you agree? Kaver told me that she too feels a need for a Srunday (a day between Saturday and Sunday). That was our topic when walking into school today.

Ah yes, and the topic of journalism today was prostitution o-0. I was reading, so I don't really know how we got there, but when I finally listened, I was quite... perturbed. Anyways...

My book is getting good (not like you care), but I just have to tell someone. And whenever I begin to tell my sister, she either:
1.) Makes fun of me.
2.) Says: "No. Wolves are stupid. Why read about them?" Or something along those lines
3.) Does one of those things where she covers her ears and chants "I'm not listening."

So, you can imagine I get quite discouraged x-x. Anyways, I'm nearing the end! Hurrah for Jessica!! Hurrah for the Sight! I am now currently on page 469 out of 554, and it's really starting to get good. (I have a feeling this is going to be a long entry)

~Dinner break~

I'm back!! ANNND! I'm almost at Chapter 15 (there's 18 chapters). Anyways, Larka has just ventured into the Pathways of Death... DUN DUN DUN! But I can't tell you any more without spoiling the story ^_~

So, today was good. I ran around the whole time humming Relient K, and singing under my breath when I get the chance. Like today in art when I drew my picture, which I have entitled "The Foolish Spider and Courageous Fly". Bet you want to see it, eh? Too bad. But, I might as well post it when I purchase a scanner. Which won't be for a while, because I only get about $1.50 a week. o-o

Anyways, that about concludes it for today, sorry if I forgot anything major...

Quote of the day:The extremely long prophecy from The Sight! Why? Because I felt like it!! (I haven't memorized it, but it's still way cool.) ^_^
As a she-cub is whelped with a coat that is white,
And human child stolen to suckle the Sight
From a place where injustice was secretly done
Then the Marked One is here and a legend begun.
When Wolfbane is dreamt of with terror and dread
And untamed are tamed, prepare for the dead.
For the Shape Changer's pact with the birds will come true,
When the blood of the Varg blends with Man's in the dew,
As the Searchers are tempted, who hunger and prowl,
Down the Pathways of Death by the summoning howl.

Then the truest of powers will be fleshed on the bone,
And the Searchers tempt nature to prey on its own.
With blood at the altar, the Vision shall come,
When the eye of the moon is as round as the sun.
In the citadel raised by the lords of before,
The stone twins await- both the power and the law.
Then the past and the future shall finally to show,
To the wounded, the secret the Lera must know.
And all shall be witness to that which shall be,
In the mind of the Man Varg, then none shall be free.

And only a family, both loving and true,
May conquer the evil, so ancient, so new.
As they fight to uncover what secrets they share
And see on their journey how painful is care.
Beware the Betrayer, whose meaning is strife,
For their faith shall be tried by the makers of life,
And who shall devine in the dead of the night,
The lies from the truth, the darkness from light?
Like the cry of the scavenger, torn through the air,
A courage is needed, as deep as despair.

Wow. That was basically pointless, but alas. I felt like typing such a terribly long thing in the hopes of inspiring you to read it =3 Did it work? But, now, my fingers ache and I must leave you.
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