Jul 27, 2007 22:30
It has been a long time since my last update. Months. And I lost track of how many times I started typing in this damn dialogue box but never finished saying what I had to say. Truthfully... My mind has been spinning so fast I can't keep track of a thought long enough to type more than a couple words.
Updates to my life...
Well, I finally got my concealed handgun license. Two more guns as well. Another .45 and a .300 savage rifle. I now have a holster for the .357 and I'm still waiting for the holster for one of the .45's that has been on order since December. Custom made, yes, but the .357 holster is custom made too and I got it in about four and a half weeks. I know of one place I won't buy from again.
Writing has been going extremely slow. When I finally get time to write I'm mentally exhausted and want to do nothing more than sit down and enjoy the silence. (I'm a weird person that enjoys the silence. No TV, radio, phone conversation or anything.... Just me and the natural sounds of the home... Such as the clock ticking.) But I've done a little. The Moment continues to grow longer and I've come up with another good horror idea.
I've been a department manager at Walmart for about six months now. I've been overly stressed and completely miserable too. Everyone left the department and I got a whole new crew,( except for the night people) that come along with all kinds of problems. Tom is pretty good, really good actually, but a little slow. But I can't expect everyone to be able to work as fast as me. Angel is the real headache. She doesn't show up to work, doesn't get much of anything done, and I can't get salaried managers to give me any help with the situation. Over night doesn't get their job done... The department has gone to hell. I hate walmart... I've started looking for a new job. At least walmart has given me six months experience as a supervisor that I can put on applications.
The dating life has its ups and downs.
I haven't spent much time playing video games either. Seems everything I've always enjoyed doing has been put on the back burner and it is starting to irritate me. I just have a hard time finding motivation for anything. I stay so tired mentally and physically from work that nothing, not even turning on the 360, is very appealing.
I am trying to find some fragments of my old routine again. It is difficult, but I'm giving my best shot. I miss my writing, playing my games, tuning my computer, role playing, going to the shooting range, and so on. And reading... Can't forget that. I've now got a whole stack of books I need to read.
I miss my online friends. I get to talk to them here and there, but nowhere near as aften as I'd like. I hope to get that changed soon.
I hate it when life feels this way. Like it has fallen into a hole where only stressful responsability exists and there is no time for anything else. Way I see it is we only have one chance at life so we should enjoy it while we can. But why does the world have to make it so hard to do that sometimes?
It is litterly taking me weeks to finish writing this journal entry. For some reason I can never finish, and by the time I can sit down and start typing on it again I've a little more to write about.
I've a resume now. It feels a little weird to say I have one... To me, resume's have always been for the higher class people. I'm a low class application user. Of course, my narrow minded views are often twisted and make little since to people.
But I've a decent looking lead on a job. I just have to get the resume in the mail to the place. Hopefully within a few weeks I'll have a new job and won't have to deal with Wal-Mart anymore.
I've stayed tired lately. No, exhausted is more like it. Even when I get a full night of sleep I feel like I haven't had any rest. I don't know if it is because I work too hard and never have my quiet, relaxing time anymore or if maybe I'm developing the sleep apnea like dad has.
Sometimes life just feels like a repetitious cycle that I can't get away from. It seems that way lately. Maybe once I find a new job, hopefully with a better work environment, things will start to look a little better.
Well, I guess here is as good of a place to close this update as any even though it seems abrupt and nothing at all like a closing. But really, if I keep this up I'll end up with a novel long journal entry. I imagine it is already long enough most people won't take the time to read all of it, assuming anyone is interested in reading anything at all from me.
I miss everyone and wish I had more time to keep better contact with my internet friends.