Mar 29, 2004 14:06's Final Fantasy.
This game is awesome. I don't care what anyone says, this game is great. but enough about that. BTW: Lucifer's Flower, I'm on Asura with a Red Mage, I'd like to start a monk elswhere, perhaps you could get me a worldpass?
The weekend was good, Spent the weekend with Jason and hung out on his birthday. (Where WAS everyone else, dude?) Mostly it was just us hanging out. Did some Role-playing, played some games, the usual. otherwise, not too exciting. Otakon is rearing it's head, and I'm determined to have everything signed up WAY in advance. This year's gonaa be good, even WITH all of the people who are not going. (Who IS going, anways?) This day is dragging by, I just want out. now.
Well, untill then I'll be looking up info for Final Fantasy and waiting for the day to end.