sleep + Train = Bullshit.

Apr 26, 2004 15:43

I cannot see how anyone can sleep on a train. They bounce you around, the chairs are as uncomfortable as hell on a hot day, and no matter what, you cannot find a comfortable way to fall asleep. People who are able to do this are Gods in my eyes. My weekend was great, otherwise. Vicky's dance went well, everyone had lots of fun. For laughs, I requested the "Chicken Dance"... I was surprisingly well recieved. I was shocked and amazed to see the amount of "line dance" style songs, I mean, up here we have the electric slide and the macarena. They must have six or seven different songs that have similar patterened dance steps, that everyone must follow and repete, like some kind of Supremist dance... I just don't get it... One of Vicky's friends had a digital camera, so I'll have pics for people who want to see 'em. Otherwise, we just hung out and spent the time together. We watched the Utena movie, I mave have hooked Vicky on it... Yarr.. I'm dead tired, so I'm going to go home and crash. later everyone...
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