Jul 14, 2010 19:31
The great thing about living in a city, is being able to study intently people from all walks of life. Likewise the great cross sections of society that use the T. ala public transportation.
across from meone day was a high powered business woman. obviously wearing a custom tailored designer suit, elegant gold watch, silver earrings and necklace, talking to someone on her bluetooth headset and texting someone on her blackberry.
it's obvious she took the t for convinence, after all parking in boston is a pain and time is money for her.
next to her was a very transient gentleman who looked more sold on the subway as more of a form of entertainment, luxury and destination vacation per se (it has Air conditioning and people dont usually steal from one antoher)
he had very respectfully, upon seeing the woman enter straightened up and did not sprawl across all three subway seats in his section. (merely one and a half although i could smell him.)
secondly he refrained from imbimbing his brown bag covered beverage, until the business woman had completed her sentences.
It's as if they were in an unconscious mutal symbosis. He could only drink after she paused in her business conversation, and she could only remember to pause when he drank.