Dec 10, 2009 11:57
It's traditional in Bot circles at this time of year to post the first sentence of the first LJ post of each month. I give you the first clauses:
JAN: News just in: parenthood cures hangovers!
FEB: OxChums will be disappointed to learn that JuJu will not be at Oxfringe after all
MAR: Today my son is four months old.
APR: The person who finds the candidates should be called The Apprentice’s Sourcer.
MAY: Lawksamercy I've not been on LJ much lately
JUN: [no show]
JUL: [no show]
AUG: I haven't posted here for ages.
SEP: Fifteen books you've read that will always stick with you.
OCT: So, yesterday I was felled by illness.
NOV: [no show]
DEC: I’ve just launched a new tool at
That's appropriate: parenthood has distracted me from most things (apart from, er, Twitter), apart from the occasional pun - and now I'm emerging again to launch more online bollocks.