oh did I mention I tried to go to san francisco?

May 05, 2009 14:56

cause i did but i got caught in an ice storm. boo. fortunately i had decided last minute to bring travis though we had a very serious conversation on the way back that I knew I needed to be having but if anything now we are only closer. He's really fantastic at being a friend and all. I am pretty stressed with school and he is helping tons. three papers down, three to go. Also four tests. and like 1000 pages of catch up reading. This summer I will work on my research. Which will be helpful, but mostly just intimidating as fuck. I need to have a rough draft of that 40 page monster done probably before school starts. That just makes the skin tingle to think about.

Katie is officially moved to Des Moines. Which sucks. But hey, I did open mike night at the mill and I hear it was ok. Lots of people came and I bought lots of people drinks. because I am cool. Also I totally wore yellow rainboots and the shirt dress that just looks like a giant shirt and it was hot and I loved it and I don't care if it was also kind of hipster. In addition, my hair is really really light now. Still kind of yellow-y and not white though which is upseting, but I used my get out of jail free card to dye it this way when I didn't like the other one so i gotta stick with it for at least  month. Then I might just try to get it back to where I am naturally. yeah. that sounds like what might happen. I don't understand how the world works anymore, but I'm gonna start writing again once school gets out come rain or hell or rainy hell indians and trying to publish with some renewed velocity. That is the only purpose I've got left thats for sure in life and you can bet i'm going to live it up. And I am gonna go visit janani  this summer and be outside and have a fun, drunk, happy happy time throughout it. I am going to make the BEST of this summer. I will work for money, lots of money, but there will be no more do nothing get bored feel gross days just cause I get up too late. Sleep is to sacrfice for happy
and honey, I am gonna work really hard to stay happy. Because I'm only in this town for another year, and I need more memories.

Things seem to be shaping up in a way that I can accept even if I don't understand them and I've been thrown off course and out of self somethign terrible. So hey. Lets grow a little. HOw about some more eyes and heads and ears and hands? Its Mirri bonus season! All Mirri's perpetually increase in value!

just wait. When i'm famous and own you and your car and your girlfriend or boyfriend you'll look back on this day, fondly smile, and buy some cotton candy from the traveling circus that I sponser and send around the globe. Luther Bangert can run it. HIs circus kicks hardcore ass already and i LOVED IT. i wanna be in a circus. boo :(

Also CDs are totally about to happen again soon.... and when they do... which will be by the end of the summer. You will want them sooooo bad. It will be like a strip tease. A good one. With a hot lady in black lingerie.

In the meantime I'm going to go to cinema and then write a huge cinema paper. then instead of getting laid tomorrow night I'm going to write a history essay and studyguide of 50 terms I will then memorize so i can take a test. Then on Thursday I will start all that reading I need to do. ANd prepare to write a philosophy paper. And take a philosophy test. And a cinema test. And a test on indigineous health. ANd remember to print off and honors form and get mills to sign it and turn it in to get credit.

And yes, the verdict is in kids. I AM INVINCIBLE.

Stay tuned for horoscopes next week when i can even pretend i have the time. Face it. You miss me. :)
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