Dec 21, 2008 14:15
Lately the holiday season has been nothing but a giant depression hanging over my head in big angry storm clouds and annoying consumerism, but yesterday the holiday worms that live in poinsettas and holly finally ate their way to my heart. Aw.
My mother's birthday is around christmas and traditionally we go bring hot cidar and cookies to unsuspecting salvation army bell ringers and sing carols at them whether they like it or not. Occasionally they seem they are okay with it. Well this year we didn't find any last week so we went out looking for them yesterday. My mother was delighted and over enthused in the best way you can imaigne and soon we had caught one lonely bell ringer in our trap of deck the halls and here we come a whaseling (how the hell do u spell that word? what kind of a word is it anyway?) Other bell ringers could thankfully not be found so my mother decided that we shoudl go to goodwill and buy ridiculous items to wear in a public place. That place being Hyvee when we went to buy milk. I selected a sombrerro for my mother, my sister got stuck in a pink glittery carpet sweater, my dad got a lilac western shirt embroidered in ponies... and he selected and exceeding pariotic straw ladies hat complete with flag-bow and ribbons for me. also i bought a pink paisely tie and put it on tucking it into my vest. It was great!
So we went and waundered around in hyvee weirding out people and headed home. My mom, always a lover of themes, wanted us to all try and sing a song that went along with our items on the way so my dad sang "its time to leave old texas now" and my mother sang "Aye Aye Aye I am the Frito Bandito. I love frito corn chips I love them I do, you have Frito corn chips I take them from you". My sister opted out because she was lame and could come up with no carpet songs, and I sang "We're and American Band". Also I decided that I would play up the hat as much as I could and to my mothers supreme delight (aw shucks I love making her happy) started a character that constantly related everythign to america. Ex: This wind my be strong, but not as strong as my true american convictions" etc.
And then we went home to eat some shrimp and my mother deligated hannah and I the task of "decorating the table" which is always kind of awesome because my mother has so much weird table clothes and placemats and themed cheap-ass dishwear. If I had wanted to I could have turned the dinning table into the most watermelony thing you have ever seen complete with watermelon salt and pepper shakers. But instead I opted for a giant rooster in the middle of the table on a green table cloth, pink paisely placemats, a long white pink and blue lace table runner, and some red candles. It was pretty special. After super we decorated the christmas tree with all those old homemade ornaments. (my parents are x-hippies so u bet we have pretty much only passed down ornaments and the kind you make urself and bake in ur oven or cover in rice). Then we took over the top pictures and I went home. It was a grand old time. Plus afterwards I got kind of wasted with my friends nora a natasha drinking mead with mulling spices (its the holidays!) and listening to music. So man. And the night before I played dradle with lydia and brian and evan and katy and travis and jake and it was a great time!
So I am full of holiday cheer and hangover this morning! Fuck it! I'm happy about the ridiculous christmas lights on coralville strip that really just look like dream catchers! I'm happy about the hilariously awful christmas music on the radio that makes me kinda wanna puke a little!
Happy holidays!