Oh, I loved it. Properly brilliant. I went into it with a sick, horrible fear it would ruin EVERYTHING and people would DIE and I would be bereft. I am, maybe, way too invested in the MCU right now, and like most people I adore the found family stories, so watching them all fight was pretty much me howling PLEASE WHY CAN'T YOU BE FRIENDS. So I was relieved they all came out alive.
Also, it was really well directed. I know that sounds mad, but I loved the style of it. And the psych-out of the main villain's plan. It's one of the best cinematic villains for a long while, in that he wasn't really a super villain, he was just a man who is good at cracking open teams.
Bucky!! So much Bucky love on my side. "I remember them all," was so sad. I also have a theory that during his time in Bucharest he definitely remembered Steve, but lied about it to protect him. He just wants peace and that sort of broke me quite a lot. Plus his horror at being conditioned again was really well-handled. I am also looking forward to lots and lots of fic with the Sam And Bucky Sniping At Each Other subplot. "Can you move your seat forward?" "... no." I think the only thing I loved more was the nod both he and Sam gave them Steve kissed Sharon.
And yes, Sam! Yay for Sam. I like Sam a lot anyway but he really got to shine in this one, particularly when he desperately tried to catch Rhodey, despite everything.
Speaking of 'oh, my heart' I loved the context around the "He's my friend!" line which broke hearts during the trailer but then the actual line in the scene? Tony's not just sad, he's utterly heartbroken. I've seen comments that this is the post-IM3 development of Tony we should have seen in AoU and I do agree with that, even if part of it may have been an attempt to deal with the fact Gwyneth Paltrow won't come back.
I... can't see how they can all reconcile in time for Infinity War, although of course they will. I do wonder what happened to Natasha - that was left rather open-ended. I assume she's gone off to join the A-Team the others in exile, which makes me glad - I cannot cope with Clint and Natasha being on separate teams.
And we got Giant Man! I actually gave a little delighted gasp in the cinema at that point. I do like Scott Lang and I like how he was handled, in that of course the others have no idea who he is. "Pym always said, never trust a Stark." "Sorry, who are you?"
I've not even touched on Spider-Man yet! He was brilliant and I liked the realistic view of him as just a teenager. I also loved how he kept trying to explain his powers and Tony just handwaved them off, which is fair enough as it's not like the entire audience doesn't now what happened.
Also OMG BLACK PANTHER. Awesome, awesome, awesome. I am really, really looking forward to his solo outing.
And Wanda! And Vision! Poor Wanda, although I suspect she had to be shown to be powerful enough to defeat Vision ready for Infinity War...
One question though: why couldn't they use Wanda to de-program Bucky? I seriously hope that's what's going to happen, I can't bear the idea of Steve being all alone. I cried at Peggy's funeral. Well, of course I did.
For those who didn't read below the cut, it was bloody awesome and I'm going to try and see it again.
Richie and I had actually booked the Friday off work to watch it, so we strolled up to the 10am showing with the 10 other hardcore geeks who were also off that day and morning people. We went for a fancy lunch up in Walthamstow village and had a very lazy Friday afternoon.
On Saturday I headed out to Henley-on-Thames with Richie, Fiona and a couple of his work colleagues for a Tough Mudder event, which is basically a really long run in the countryside with hideously difficult obstacles, including getting electrocuted, flinging yourself into ice water and flinging yourself up a vertical wall. I was very much just a spectator and my role was to spent a lot of time watching other people run through obstacles before cheering on 'my' team and then feed them cookies and Haribo. It was an entertaining day, although I was very drained by the end of it. I was also a delightful combination of deeply cold and sunburnt. Not as cold or as drained as the actual Mudders, though! Also, Richie managed to break his big toe. It was that kind of event.
Sunday was a lovely day. I had a long lie-in, if you exclude the neighbour's 2am one-woman tribute to Prince. (Seriously, I was woken up to a howled rendition of "I ONLY WANT TO SEE YOU SMILING THROUGH THE PURPLE RAIN! PURPLE RAIN PUUUUURRRPLE RAAAAAAIN!" I miss him too, lady, this isn't helping.) I got out for a run and then we went out for dinner at Senor Ceviche in Kingly Court, which I thoroughly recommend if you're into Peruvian food. And then today it was lunch with Fiona and David which is a good way to end a four day weekend, if you ask me.