Jan 30, 2016 17:45
I am still here. It's still January. What's up with that?
Anyway, it's been a very busy and active couple of weeks. Since the last update, Richie has taken me to see Eddie Izzard, which was bloody brilliant. I cried with laughter. There is a lot to be said for a comedy set that involves a whole riff on the English Civil War. That was a Monday night, mind you. I'm not sure I totally approve of Monday night socialising these days, I think I'm too old for it. I worked my arse off through that week and Matt arrived for a visit on Friday. Matt is... not entirely in a happy place at the moment, or wasn't when I saw him at Christmas, so we were determined just to have a relaxing weekend and let him chill out a bit. I think it worked? Even though meeting up with him basically took sprinting desperately across London, swearing about the UK Border Agency (WHY IS IT SO HARD TO ADMINISTER A VISA PROCESS) the rest was a good weekend. Plus we had a moment of swapping stories of crying in a yoga class, which it turns out is not quite as unique an experience as I thought it was. We went around the British Museum decided what we would steal under the steadfast logic that most of it was already stolen, tried out some new food and pubs, generally good fun.
On Monday it was Burns Night, so as per the last three years John came around, we drank too much wine and ate exactly the same meal as we always do. Once more neeps and tatties on their lonesome are not that interesting, but the company is always a good post-panto catch up.
This week has been a hard one, though. After more Monday night socialising (ohgod) I have had a ridiculously busy week, on one occasion being the last one out of the office which is very unusual for me. It's led to me not being the best possible place inna head over the last couple of days.
Although! I got a ticking off from the MD over email over my 'odd grammar' in a job description. Huh, I thought, but okay, and went down to have a chat on the other issues we needed to resolve. "You keep using 'they'," he said, "why not use 'he' or 'she'?"
"It's the job title or 'they'," I said firmly, "and the job title is unwieldy to use every time."
He paused. "Is this the diversity thing?"
"It is, yes," I responded firmly.
"Well, okay then," he said, and we moved on to the other issues. Victory!
I have this weekend 'off', so to speak. Richie is out fundraising for his massive cycle race, so I had a long lie-in, went for a long run (slightly unsuccessful, but sunny and I made my way through it) and did the shopping. I picked up some daffodils to light up the living room and have cleaned about two thirds of the house, as well as cleaning out my wardrobe and drawers which felt very cathartic. I also decided to only clean up until 5pm so I could have the rest of my day to myself, and lo, for that was an excellent decision and now I am on the interwebs with a house clean enough to let me relax.
Tonight I am going to have some wine, too. Yum.