Season finales!

May 25, 2007 21:33

I've seen so many season finales in the past two weeks and had so many things to say about each of them, that I thought I'd summarise my thoughts all in one post.

Spoilers ahead!!!

Grey's Anatomy: The first season finale I saw and overall, I was mostly disappointed. I was expecting the wedding to go wrong and wasn't surprised at all that Burke decided to call it off, although I thought the reasoning behind it was lame. And then for the rest of the show I felt that there was no sense of closure for any of the plots... Izzy and George: so George failed the 1st year exam, what does that mean for him, Izzy and Callie?... Meredith and Derek: same old, same old. Meredith is getting really annoying, just stop being so conflicted already, the man is handsome, understanding and he's a surgeon! Lol! Oh and bringing in Meredith's sister to the show, is that just gonna be another Meredith/Derek/Addison type situation? So overall, not impressed and thought it lacked the tense and emo moments of usual season finales. I give it 5/10.

Supernatural: Same, not impressed. It started out good with Sam being dead and lots of angst!Dean, but all the same... the Dean/Bobby scene? I thought the acting was bad and reminiscent of bad season 1 eps. Plotwise: Dean making a pact with a demon... couldn't they have found any other way to bring back Sam, something that hadn't already been done? Although that didn't bother me so much as the green screen scene with Daddy Winchester and the boys... it looked pretty terrible for a season finale ep. What saved the day, however, was the YED, Dean's sexiness and the final scene. 'What Is and What Should Never Be' remains my favourite season 2 ep though. So, overall, I give it 6/10.

Heroes: Now that was an AWESOME season finale! I just couldn't stop squeeing, especially the final confrontation between Sylar, Peter, Nikki and Hiro, simply amazing! If you're reading this and haven't seen it yet, then please do, you won't regret it! But the ending totally caught me by surprise... Hiro going back to 17th century Japan? (cool!), the eclipse (which we see at the beginning of every ep) what's that all about? And Sylar sneaking off with cockroaches to the sewers?!!! A definite 9/10!

Smallville: I doubt any of you guys watch this show so I'll keep it short. Lana and Clark *meep*, bad-ass Clark = sexiness! :) But lame attempt to kill off Lana, Lois and Chloe... WTF?!! and no sense of closure either since it finishes with the usual 'tbc...' So not much impressed either. 6/10

Lost: Double-episode season finale and seriously, it completely blew my mind!!!! Jack... Kate... SAWYER! Aaaargh!!!! :) Seriously though, I cried my eyes out for Charlie, although how dumb was his sacrifice? Seriously? Why didn't he just close the door from the outside, grab the oxygen bottles with Des and swim away... or better yet, why didn't he try swimming out of the window Mikhail blew open? If they do bring Charlie back, I bet thats how they explain that he's still alive. There's so much to say about this episode but I think the most mind-blowing and what TOTALLY caught me by surprise was a) Naomi!!! (wasn't expecting her at all to be a liar!) and b) Jack's flashback... or should I say flashforward (is that even a word?). How does that fit in with the timeline? Is it some sort of parallel universe, a possible future... I was so confused and I was so SAD that Jack and Kate would turn out that way if they left the island :( Overall, I was getting tired of the random unexplained events of the island during this season (like the Jacob's cabin event.. WTF?!!!), but the last two episodes, I barely have any criticisms to make, so it's a definite 10/10. Best season finale out of them all!!! (hence the icon!)

And since I know some of you might not follow any of the previous shows, here's something for the HP fans on my f-list from hp_fridayfive

1. Work with dragons or treasure hunt for Gringott's? Probably treasure hunt, I want to be an archaeologist after all, although working with dragons is just as tempting!
2. Spend a day with the Order of the Phoenix or Dumbledore's Army? The Order definitely! I would LOVE to meet Tonks, Moody and the rest of them.
3. Visit Dumbledore's office or Snape's dungeon? Probably Dumbledore's office because of all the magical silver instruments in there and also to see the beautiful Fawkes :)
4. Give an old school detention to Filch or Umbridge?Umbridge!!! I absolutely HATE her!!!
5. Have an Invisibility Cloak or a Time Turner? Time Turner, I would love to visit the past, go back to the Marauder's era and all that and besides... having an invisibility cloak and being a peeping tom just isn't my thing, lol!

So there you go guys, feel free to comment about the season finales, I would love to have other people's opinions since I haven't had much time to check out community posts yet... Uni exams coming up in a week!!!

heroes, harry potter, supernatural, lost

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