Here Without You - chapter 12

Apr 12, 2007 15:33

Man, it's about time I updated this fic. I refuse to give up on it, cause it's the sequel to my previous fic 'The Dragon, the Lion and the Serpent' which I worked on for two years and am kinda proud of.... beside, along with SpellCast, it's the only good deed I've done in fandom and that I'm known for, so yeah, not giving up.

Also, the whole story for this fic is planned out to a certain extent, it just needs to be written! Anyone else, not being able to finish their fics or constantly being assaulted with writer's block? Seriously, I just have to stop lazing about and write! And I would if it weren't for exam revisions, going to lectures, working on SpellCast, etc, etc.

Alright, enough with the rambling already! Here's chapter 12 complete :)

Title: Here Without You
Author: hathor x
Rating: R, especially this chapter!
Summary: Three years after Voldemort was defeated, Draco and Hermione meet again. This is a dark fic, pairing Draco/Hermione, Harry/OC. Chapter 12: Abigail recalls how the mission for the Order goes wrong. Warning: Character death.

Chapter 12: Ambush

Hope you like it, I'll be posting a teaser for chapter 13 soon.

dramione, here without you, fanfiction

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