Here Without You - chapter 16

Sep 12, 2011 22:06

Because I really should have promoted this on my LJ first...

Title: Here Without You
Author: hathorx
Rating: M
Summary: Sequel to The Dragon, the Lion and the Serpent.
Three years after Voldemort was defeated, Draco and Hermione meet again.  This is a dark fic, pairing Draco/Hermione, Harry/OC.

Chapter 16:
If looks could kill, the bastard would be long gone - probably tortured, killed and then fed to werewolves. However, Amelia Bones' secretary didn't notice the looks Draco kept throwing him, because he was too preoccupied with the brunette sitting next to him.

I've been away from fandom for a while, but I am back and I bring fic :) Hope you all enjoy it, but don't forget these two stories are dark fics and rated M so be warned!

dramione, here without you, fanfiction

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