I've seen a lot of movies.
And I mean A LOT of movies.
More than I can remember and more than for me to simply pick one as my favourite. I've seen a lot of movies that I've liked, but those that I count as my favourites aren't usually the Oscar-winning type movies or anything like that. They're simply movies which (have Johnny Depp in them!!) I love to watch over and over and over again. Some of my friends say that I have weird taste in movies, which is probably true since I like the most random movies most people have never heard of.
But anyway, if I had to pick one that most people have actually seen at least, I'd go with:
I just love this movie! Why? I really don't know... I guess cause it's fun. It makes me laugh, it's good and yet so terrible and I can watch it over and over again. None of my other friends like it so much. It's hard to pick just the one movie without saying LotR, PotC or even Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (love it!!) so I thought I'd be original :)
So... anyone else seen it?
And if you had to pick one movie as your favourite, what would it be?