Is it Sunday night already?

Sep 27, 2009 20:53

Damn, is the weekend over already?

Anyone else feel like the weekend has flown by and the list of 'things to do' sadly remains unchecked...?

Well it's not like I haven't done anything at all, but I still haven't got around to studying, writing or doing the 100 other things planned for the weekend. I just can't seem to stay focused on anything. Last week pretty much zapped all the energy out of my body and I spent two days walking around like a zombie....

Here are the things I did get done - catch up on tv shows! I watched the premiere of a whole bunch of new shows Friday night and out of all of them, the few that piqued my interest were The Vampire Diaries (still!), the Beautiful Life (but apparently that's cancelled already!), Flashforward, Cougar Town and Eastwick (recced by canadianturtle). Who else is watching these shows?

The medieval site dig was amazing btw! The anthropologist was a a**hole though, who obviously didn't want to be there and who blatantly didn't want to answer my questions either. I still got to learn loads from digging some human burials, which was great experience for me, although 4 days was far too short :(

*sigh* I need another vacation...

rl, arch job, tv shows

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