
Oct 30, 2008 20:58

Job hunting: Available jobs seem to have decreased by 50% since the crisis and it's now been several days since I've last applied for a position. Tomorrow or Monday, I should finally hear back about the 3-month contract job I'm hoping to get and interviews for the uber important job won't be till the end of November now. That's twice already that interviews have been pushed back but I don't mind since it'll hopefully give me time to do the 3-month contract job in between....

Right, well Halloween is upon us and I have nothing planned for the day! Halloween isn't celebrated over here like it is in the US or the UK and since most of my friends are back in London, looks like I'm going to be staying at home. However, I do intend to celebrate with a bag of sweets and a couple of horror movies to watch with my brother. We've so far opted for The Strangers with Liv Tyler and perhaps an old school Halloween or Friday the 13th movie. I've also got hold of the old movie adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe's The Pit and the Pendulum, which scared the hell out of me as a kid!

In any case, I have a lot of time on my hands this weekend and decided to spend it doing creative stuff: so drabble/icon time!!

-Drabbles: send me a prompt and I'll write you a drabble (yes, I know I'm feeling generous tonight!) I write mostly HP, but if you have another fandom in mind, let me know and I'll give it a shot!
-Icons: I'll make anything! I recovered Photoshop a couple of weeks ago and have been playing around with it without actually posting anything. Give me a prompt, pic, movie, actor/actress and I'll make you some icons! :D

What are your plans for Halloween? If anyone's going to a costume party, post some pics!!

drabble, rl, halloween, icons

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