Well, I've just downloaded and watched the season finale. I was actually thinking about it last night and dreading to watch it as it downloaded.
And god, I'm actually wiping tears from my eyes right now, lol! It was a great episode, I think the whole action bit at the end could have lasted a bit longer and it took a while for the boys to decide what to do, but otherwise it was brilliant. The dialogues between the boys were well-written, Dean telling Sam to carry on without him really got to me and I loved how Bobby spoke up and didn't let them leave without him.
Really interested to know what kind of powers Sam has but I'm guessing that'll be expanded on in Season 4.
Totally knew Lilith had taken over Ruby, not too sure what happened between Lilith and Sam, but did Lilith attack Sam and the light prevented it, or was Sam so upset he projected the light at Lilith? I watched that part a few times and I'm still unclear. In any case, Lilith was powerless and scared, damn right!
And OMG... Dean! I felt my heart break when the clock stroke midnight and the way the hellhounds attacked him was just vicious. It was kinda nasty to watch, even for Supernatural. But oh god, Sam's reaction... gah!! *cries* and what really hit me: Dean's final cry out for Sam as the end credits appear. Oh god, give me season 4 now!! I have to know Dean's gonna be alright (although we all know thats not the end of Dean).
Interesting theories I've heard though: Dean's not in hell but actually lost in his psyche judging but where he's held. People thought the chains looked like synapses so Dean would be trapped in his mind. Hmmm, I guess that would mean whatever happened between Lilith and Sam affected Dean's contract somehow. It would then perhaps prove easier to save Dean?
In any case *flails* Dean's still wearing his amulet!
My thoughts for season 4:
I haven't followed anything Kripke might have said, but this might not be the end of Ruby and Bela since if Dean's in hell then they're both there with him (I interpreted Lilith saying she sent Ruby far, far away, meaning hell). Although in Ruby's case, she'd have another human body if she came back.
Sam and Bobby will find a way to bring Dean back. Dean will return probably changed. We might actually get to see more of hell. A new character will be brought in I think, at least till Sam gets Dean back, probably another hunter or something. And I'm also hoping Sam will start developing his powers, whatever they are. Oh and Lilith will be the main bad guy of season 4 and the boys will eventually get her.
In any case, whatever I predict, I guess no one can know until September/October huh? Does anyone have a precise date for the start of season 4? Any ideas how to keep going this summer without going crazy?!!
Any season 4 fanfic recs and linkd to other finale reviews are much appreciated! :D
I'll write a similar post for the Lost season finale. And seeing how the past episodes have affected me, I'll probably be a wreck after it... eek!