Art sale!

Sep 15, 2007 16:14

mudblood428 is auctioning some of her art off to pay for her very first art classes! We all know how talented she is and that we shouldn't let her talent go to waste so I helped her put the art sale community together and even made the graphics for it :)

I'm especially proud of the header, but here's the banner I made for the profile page... bare in mind that this was made last night at 2.30am!! :)

own_a_mb428 own_a_mb428 own_a_mb428 own_a_mb428

And in case you have know idea who mudblood428, you can find all her artwork at her website.

I'm moving back to London in a week, aargh! In the meantime I'm reading up for my masters course and spending time with the family, although I guess I'll have to start packing soon. Once I'm back in London, I probably won't have internet for a while, but I'll soon be able to access it on the uni campus and such. I'm so excited to be moving back, but at the same time, I'm scared everything will be different from last year and my friends, who work now, won't have as much time to see me and of course, there's always a high-percentage chance that I'll bump into my ex again.... Oh well, I'm trying not to think about it all and my new philosophy in life is: "take it one day at a time and hopefully you'll be fine"... yeah, right! ;)

rl, art sale

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