Sep 14, 2011 23:08
only total head fucked gits start flirting with you like mental all day and into the night, when they find out you really like them,
flirting and suggesting, over and over, to the point of filthy propositioning texts when drunk, just to call you a fucking coward when you say no because you know it will be you who regrets it or gets hurt because he doesnt mean it or care..
but it carries on like it might mean something.. and maybe your wrong.. just to get paranoid and snappy mental bitchy at you when you say anything at all about other girls, like your accusing him of something!
but it goes on and on, flirting, talking, telling each other private things, secret things, important things, things most people wouldnt know...until you get the courage to ask for an answer because you cant be tormented any more.. just to be told your wasting your time because your on meds- so your mad and co dependant-.. ! then have him shove another girl in your face- one who you know knows how much he means to you- has even been talking to you about it! who turns out to be a backstabbing bitch who stops talking to you and chases them herself, even though shes seeing someone else.. then jumps from one guy to him instead... in your face, in work, .. and i'm meant to be ok with it or.. ?well, your unreasonable surely....?
and you realise its the same, the same men, the same behaviour, the same using of you , the same lies, and paranoia, and back stabbing and bull , just with a different face.... and it must just be you . and what you get, and what you deserve.. because .. why would they have ever considered you really.. of course I'm only flirting because i can now! , because youd be easy to get to because i know you like me, and you wont do anything about it or stop it because you want more.. so shut up and put up! untill i can find someone to replace you because your Not anything i'd ever really consider, thats just laughable!..
nothing.. changes.