yumme lingerie

May 18, 2006 20:39

~ alot of the items i am going ot be selling on the yumme lingerie ebay store are now up.
I'd like to stock more but its money i dont have right now and id rather see how things are gonan go..

its ashame one of the 'makers' REFUSE to let you sell their items on ebay as they are rather yumme, but , funny enough - its an item from these people that may be my very first official sale!- off the site of course.. eeeeeeek!

money allowing i hope to sort out one of the other 'makers' ranges over the next week - And i got a reply from a woman i use to trade with who sais shes interested in supplying custom fit corsets on the site! so im kinda excited - but i wont go nuts yet heheh

other than that stuff is pretty slow. yumme lingerie is up and running all i just have to wait and see- its new and i do have a lot of watchers on site ( which is kind of odd on 'buy it now ' items.. but they may be waiting for pay day to come around or to see what happens with the price as time for the sale runs out- news for them i cant drop it anylower id be giving it away - really! lol) - so i must remember not to be dissapointed or too hyper or whatever.. hehe

gotta start work on more local promotions, and the 'oh so exciting' work of proof reading the final business plan - gah

did get quite down with all the people and their 'ideas' of what i should do and what i need to change and how to run my business- like i really need all this negative info instead of support or back up at such a stressful time - ha!

but since then ive had quite a few nice comments too about the stock and the site so- yay*

personally- ive got a weigh in tomorrow morning - gah!! and then meeting my folks in town - double gah!

but all is well- i have strawberry split lollieeeeees !!!
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