Well, the big award shows. The little ones that magazines and niche groups do... They're more about real recognition from your peers and your fans.
Yes, this is Carlos the hypocrite who won a Grammy last year. I like that we won. I still think they're political. We have to keep going and clap for our label mates and sit through all the categories we don't care about and then have the categories we do care about get glossed over because there isn't "enough interested fan base watching at home."
When we won last year no one except people who were there actually saw us accept it. The Hard Rock and Heavy Metal category gets shafted every year.
But we still have to show up and smile. Last year we got a handful of pictures and questions and we were actually nominated. The only reason they care this year is because AJ is engaged to Mr. Basketball himself
beyondthehoop and I'm dating Gina Case
inthefourthact. We're getting attention by proxy because we're involved with people that the world (read: American popular culture) at large gives a damn about.
Sorry. I had a bit of a bitter night. I should go to bed.