Poker is Hard

Sep 18, 2008 23:40

I've had a rough week playing cards. Granted, I only played for about 5 hours this week, but it was a rough five hours. I won $13 on Monday and won another $32 tonight. That works out to $9/hour. I would have been better off working at Lowe's or something.


I really didn't play all that well so I guess I deserved it. I missed a few huge draws this week that pushed my win rate down. I was drawing to at least win half of a $110+ pot Monday. I started a seven-stud eight-or-better pot with 2-3-4-6 and failed to catch any Ace, 5, 7, or 8 for half the pot. The five also wins the high half. Shrug. Tonight I missed a huge draw in Omaha eight-or-better. I has Ace of spades, two of spades, red five, red six. The flop comes 3-4-9 with two spades. Any spade, ace, two, five, six, seven, or eight comes off and I win a ton of money. I missed, oh well.

It's just odd that I played such forgettable poker for 5 hour and made $9/hr doing it. And if I win even half of one of those three pots, I'm up another $40 or $50 easy. If I scoop one and half another, I'm up somewhere around $225 instead of $45. Such is life I guess.

Sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose. Sometimes it rains.

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