Jun 10, 2004 18:04
Well, summer is a little less than I expected. Granted it's only been the first four days of it. But still. I guess I should be happy that it's summer. And I am, oh yea, I am.
It's just I have this new gay schedule with my parents (them being devorced). My lawyer decided that it would be best if we "maximized time with both parents" or in otherwords, screwed with the kids' summer as much as possible.
He decided that from 2:00 pm - 9:00 pm my mother should take us seeing as my father is on the second shift at work. Normally that wouldn't bug me so much, it's just that my father lives about a half an hour away from my mother, and each day there is a half hour drive just to get back to my neighborhood where my summer should be. It's a very confusing thing for me and is getting quite annoying.
Anyway on a happier note,
Fanfiction is coming along very well. I have been typing non stop it seems for most of my stories. In some cases, like Bored Wishes II, I am not posting until I have a whole bunch of chapters done, for the readers sake. That way it wont take me forever to update.
At least that is what I am hoping.
So it might be a while until I actually upload a new chapter. But hey, the longer the wait the greater the appreciation of the chapter aye?
I went to my sister's eight o'clock softball game. A mistake in itself and I shall tell you why.
It just so happened that this particular softball game was right next to a swamp, a lake, and a forest. And since it has been pretty rainy lately, the mosquito's have decided that now is a better time than ever to procreate like hell.
I was bitten by no less than 53 mosquitos. Mostly on my back. Luckily for me only nine actually produced the itchy nasty little bump that comes with it. One on my right arm, one on the back of my right hand, two on my left foot, one on my left ankle, one on my head (?!), and two particularly nasty ones on my ring finger knuckle and pointer finger knuckle on my right hand. Oh and one on my back (thank GOD).
Everyone was like "Here Mel, have some OFF. [attempts to spray me]" then I would respond with, "Eeeek! No! I don't want any of that on me! [runs off]"
I really hate that stuff and it gives me a nasty little rash. (I would rather be bit by mosquitos than have that rash). What I ended up doing though was spraying a circle of OFF all around me, then spraying any mosquitos that dared aproach my circle of OFFness. It kinda worked.
My mother ended up having a Death Row for all the mosquitos she killed. She said it was to warn off the other mosquitos that tried to bite her. I severely doubted her capabilities though when I saw one of the "Death Row" mosquitos get up and fly away.
So I went and saw Harry Potter again last night (third time). I have officially decided that this is The Movie...
~~~~ Mel's Dictionary ~~~~
The Movie- 1) A movie that Mel and her friends go to continuously. 2) The only movie Mel and her friends go to see when they go to the movies. (EX) Pirates of the Caribbean (seen 9 times in theater) Lord of the Rings (seen 6 times in theater)
[looks up and realizes she really needs a life]
Eh, it's fun living in my world.
ODL, my mother is yelling at me because I am typing too loudly. [raises head to sky] Someone kill me now.
Anyway, back to Harry Potter...
It was as good as it was the last two times. My friends and I have decided that we shall see it over and over again until we have it engraved in our memories, and that is only because of the good looking gentlemen. I mean sure, the movie itself kicked major butt, but honestly ladies, how many of you would go back the seventh time for the plot alone?
That is what I thought.
I must leave you all now....I feel forboding in the air.
Oh wait, that's just the humidity. Damn.
Love you!
(hey! this was kinda long!)