Sep 20, 2008 03:28
Since I don't know whether the original post is too old for anyone to read my comment, and I haven't made an enemy all day, I post here in more than its entirety (I can't resist a little editing) my response to an LJer's comment that Democrats thinking Republicans are stupid is "widening the split."
As the Republican party allies itself with the religious right and the creationists, I must insist that they are, in fact, stupid. If a person believes the world is 4,000 years old, that person is a fucking idiot.
I have no problem with religion (ok, I have lots of problems with it, but I won't go into them here). The belief in a higher power can be a great comfort at times. It does not, however, bestow moral superiority on the believer. My father was a complete atheist. He believed people were a gene's way of reproducing, nothing more. He was also one of the most moral men I have ever known. He did the right thing not from a fear of Hell or a promise of Heaven, but because it was the right thing to do. Compare that to all the chickenhawk priests and prostitute-banging evangelists and talk to me again about "Christian values."
And friggin' face it: believing that the bible is to be taken literally is...what's the word I'm looking for? Oh, yeah: stupid. The bible is metaphorical. It's apocryphal. It's a pretty poorly written, cobbled together bunch of tracts, most of which were added or shaped for political gain.
Politics hasn't changed much, and it has always used religion as a tool. And vice versa, of course.
Now Jesus, by all accounts, had a very nice message: Love your neighbor, do unto others, all that. All good ideas. Go with that you evil right-wing cocksuckers (and don't take that the wrong way--what you do in the privacy of International airport bathroom stalls is your own business) instead of trying to jam abstinence only, intelligent design, and the sanctity of marriage down the throats of those of us (ok, maybe not me--but I'm kind of an asshole) who are trying to actually follow the tenets of tolerance, love, and peace that every religion espouses. (Well, most religions. Damn you Thuggees!)
Anyway, as to "widening the split." Personally, I'd like it to widen to the point that all the idiots (and yes, they're idiots, don't make me explain again) leave the country. Or move to Idaho. It's roughly the same thing.
So, there it was. Comments and flames are welcome. But you have to admit, the only real cheap shot was against Idaho. I'd apologize but I don't think anyone there can read. Crap, I did it again, didn't I? Sorry, Idaho! I love your potatoes!