Oct 16, 2005 11:59
HOMECOMINGGGGG;this is how everything went;
-dinner with the people i love most, claire stevie shannon santino sep marlena chase christian amanda billy shooop brittany haley hailey anthony. [dj ditched us :(]it was deffinitely off the hook! aw and christian's dad paid for all of us. how sweet :]
- after dinnerrr, all of us went back to shannon;s house because we still had like an hour and a half left before the dance actually started, so we went and had fun playing pool and everything at shannon's.
-thennnn we finally got to the HOMECOMING :] at first it was lammmeeee as ever because no one was dancing. thenn everyone started to dance and have fun. LETS THANK GOD, FOR THERE BEING NO DRAMA :] that was awesome. the dj was alright except the songs kept skipping =/ its cool though. danced with a few people :] im happyyy.
-homecoming ended and i had to go home :[ but whateverrrr i had fun. i hope everyone else did too.