My LJ is no longer Friend's Only. Majority of previous posts are likely going to remain locked - mainly because they are embarrassing and you don't need to see that ;) - but everything from 2013+ is public.
So, hello!
I'm Kelli, also known as Bleeding Air, Hate to Hope, and _desolation_.
When I was really young, I started out posting my drawings / doodles online on various sites. I since then realized I couldn't excel at both writing and drawing due to lack of time, and so I chose to write obsessively, instead. I discovered fictionpress, and began to post my works from 2004 until 2008.
In 2009, I got sick of the amounts of plagiarism I was receiving. I'd gotten my drawings stolen before, so I was used to fighting this, but the number of incidents was getting out of hand. I removed my works from public view.
In 2011, I moved to a members-only LJ community called
The_Write_Away. One of these two places is probably how you found me.
Please note, I do not post my stories on this journal. I post them in the community mentioned above, and even then - they are scarce.
If you want to add me as a friend to view updates on my status, or just to get to know me, then please feel free to leave a comment letting me know where you know me from, or even just a little about yourself.
Also, if you PM me instead, please make sure your privacy settings enable me to reply to you.
Thanks for reading!