TLV APPLICATION // completed

Mar 31, 2010 00:11

Character Name: Perry Dawsey
Series: Scott Sigler's Infected & Contagious
Age: 26
From When?: After he's killed the Triangles in Infected and been taken to hospital. Gonna say he was clinically dead for a brief moment on the operating table as Margo was stopping the apoptosis.

Inmate/Warden: Inmate. Perry's not a bad guy, exactly, but he has done some terrible things, such as beating his best friend to death with his bare hands. He's also really messed up in the head, and he'd definitely benefit from a second chance.
Item: n/a

Abilities/Powers: Perry's massive, fast and strong; despite injuries sustained, he's still in a lot better shape than most people. But other than his freaking hulking size and near-professional levels of athletic training back in the day, he's a normal guy. No supernatural powers about him.

Also, kind of surprisingly, he's very good with computers. He's not a hacker, but he could probably work it out if you gave him some time, he's good like that.

Personality: First and foremost, Perry has anger issues. His father was an alcoholic with an explosive temper and physically abused him and his mother constantly; Perry inherited his dad's anger and violence. He channelled it into his college football career for the most part (also beating a succession of three roommates into pulp), blowing off his massive amounts of angry angry steam in the games; his nickname was “Scary Perry”. After his knee blew out, he didn't even have that outlet for it anymore. As time went on, Perry got more disgusted with himself and scared of what his temper and his huge size would eventually cause, not wanting to turn out like his father, swearing he wouldn't; when his temper was rising, a quiet mention of how much he looked like his dad from his best friend Bill would make him collapse back into apologies. He suppressed his anger and his violent urges as best he could, occasionally slipping and causing himself problems, but for the most part, managing to keep his temper from breaking out on him. That is, up until the infection. The Triangles, in tearing Perry's life apart, also broke down that control, opening the floodgates.

Discipline was one of his father's main tenets, something he would drum into Perry as he beat him, and it was also something Perry learned on the football field. In his fight against the infection, Perry's discipline was the only thing that kept him from falling apart and committing suicide, so by the end? He viewed what his father beat into him as important, necessary and life-saving. This meant that Perry no longer viewed violence as something to shy away from. What did that ever get him? It's the lesser of two evils for Perry; no violence got him nothing and it didn't help him a bit when he was fighting, but violence saved him, kept him alive, even if there were casualties along the way.

Actually, a lot of Perry's motivations come from the way his father raised him. For example, another wonderful inheritance from his childhood is his slight misogyny. He's not massively sexist, but he does just take men more seriously than women just on principle. Watching his mother never fight his father back for years and years and years made him view women as weaker, and less able to keep discipline. This doesn't mean Perry treats women like shit. In fact, he will be nicer to women on the whole, as he doesn't view them as any sort of competition. It just means that it'll take an awful lot for Perry to listen to a woman's opinions.

Perry has a massive amount of will-power. If he decides to do something, he will go through with it, no matter what it involves. Best example of this? Cutting off his own genitals with a pair of scissors, though he did have a tiny moment of second thought before he actually went through with it. His mental (and physical) strength is immense, and he's very very good at “playing through the pain”. When it matters, Perry can keep going through almost anything. This also comes from his stubbornness. He's quite the determined man, focusing on different things throughout his life - first football, then his job, then his fight against his own Triangles, then his fight against other infected people - and doing anything and everything he could to get what he wanted done. When Perry has something he thinks he has to do, he will do it, no matter what the cost. This increases exponentially the more desperate Perry gets.

Perry acts like a sullen little kid sometimes, particularly after his ordeal with the Triangles; he milks it for what it's worth with the federal agents assigned to him. He also puts on a smug and entitled air, and he's great at getting on people's nerves and pushing their buttons at every turn. It's an act, though; Perry is tackling depression, self-loathing and even post-traumatic stress disorder. He hates himself for losing control, hates everything he did while under the influence of the Triangles. He also has issues with his own body, fears he will never be intimate with anyone again after his self-castration.

Although it's probably never going to be as it was, Perry has a sense of humour; he used to joke around and have a good time with his mate Bill. He sometimes enjoys using obscure (or somewhat obscure) quotes from films in everyday conversation and seeing if anyone gets them. He is also hugely, hugely into football. He watched every game, going to the pub a number of times over the weekend to watch and drink with Bill, or just hang out in his apartment with Bill watching the games. He still thinks of his life in terms of football.

His reaction to the Barge is going to be one of fairly sarcastic hostility, and it might take him a while to even come close to accepting the idea of this place. But eventually, he might forgive himself and actually accept that he deserves another chance.

Path to Redemption: Perry's redemption is going to come from his connection to his warden. A man, as a friend or father figure would probably do best, but a woman might be able to work, if she was strong and able to prove to him that she has opinions that are worthwhile. If he and his warden don't get along, Perry's just going to be a surly dick, but if his warden can establish trust and get Perry to view him as an equal, then he'll start to open up. And boy, does he need to. To be redeemed, Perry needs to come to terms with brutally murdering his best friend Bill, and to a much lesser extent, what he did to Fatty Patty. He also needs to come to terms with the fact that he completely lost control while under the influence of the Triangles, as control is a big thing for Perry. He needs to have some of his issues about his father addressed as well, particularly the view that everything his dad did when he was a child was really to help Perry cope.

Also, Perry needs to regain some self-worth. He won't show it, and it'll be tough for a warden to get him to admit it, but Perry is completely wrecked by what he did. He needs to realise that he can be a person and not a monster. Before he can start to move towards that, however, his warden is going to have to figure out some way to address his anger problem.

History: Perry Dawsey grew up in a house in a small town in Michigan with his very abusive alcoholic father Jacob Dawsey and his timid, beaten mother. He was beaten a lot; his father drummed discipline and acting “like a Dawsey” into him. Perry was very, very good at football. He was given a full-ride football scholarship at the University of Michigan, and he was the best linebacker seen in college football in a decade. His violent temper got him into trouble - he kept being put into rooms with other football players, then beating the stuffing out of them - and it nearly cost him his scholarship. Fortunately, Bill Miller, a teeny tiny English major who'd met Perry a couple times offered to room with him. They got on great, and became best friends. Then Perry got featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated, and after that, his dreams came crashing down. His knee blew out completely during a game at the Rose Bowl, and his football career was over.

He managed to get a degree anyway, and Bill helped him find a somewhat unsatisfying job in tech-support after a couple of nasty altercations with former bosses and such. Perry's father died of cancer when Perry was twenty-five, and after taking a couch and the kitchen utensils for his new place, Perry was living a quiet life. Going in to work early, doing his job, joking around with Bill during the day, then going out weekends to catch the football games on the big-screen at the local bar.

And then Perry got infected.

It started with an itch. Or more accurately, seven itches. One on his right shin, one on his left forearm, one on his right collarbone, one on his back, one on his left thigh, one on his left buttcheek and one on his balls. He went in to work, they itched; he hung out with Bill, they itched. Then, the itching stopped. And he realised that there were things growing under his skin. Perry pulled one out - the one on his thigh - realised that these were not normal at all when he saw it was a weird, long completely alien looking string of white material, he freaked out. And he fell in his bathroom, cracking his head on the toilet seat and passing out.

He was unconscious for nearly two days. He'd missed work for the first time ever, Bill had been calling him over and over. The six remaining infections had been growing; now, where there had been amorphous white strings, there were blue-tinged Triangles growing under Perry's skin. And then they started talking to him.

Over the next few days, Perry's life went from shit to worse. He cut a couple Triangles out, losing a lot of blood in the process, leaving his apartment looking like a set of a horror movie. Another problem with killing the Triangles but not removing them was the apoptosis reaction the absence of their lives caused; it literally rotted the healthy flesh around it into black sludge. (This happened to all the corpses of the infected people before Perry.) He got more and more paranoid as the Triangles messed with the chemical levels in his brain. He attempted to get help from the government by finding a website about Triangle disease when his Triangles were sleeping, sending an email through, then threw his Mac against the wall when they woke up when Bill IMed him. And finally, the remaining few Triangles actually managed to convince him that the “soldiers” - the police, the feds, anyone in uniform with guns - wanted to kill him.

And then Bill came by. He'd left phone messages, stopped by, banged on the door, left a note, IMed Perry the afore-mentioned time, and by now, Perry almost fully believed that Bill was a government agent, planted back when he was in college, to get close to him, gain his trust, then study him when the soldiers finally infected him. Bill knocked on Perry's door; outside in the hallway, Perry tricked him into getting close. Then he stabbed a steak knife through Bill's thigh and dragged him inside, proceeded to restrain Bill by stabbing a steak knife through each of his palms and into the walls, and then beat him to death with his bare hands, all the while screaming at Bill to tell him exactly what he'd been hired to do. There was one moment where Perry had control, where he realised what it was he was doing, then Bill told him to call the police. And it was all over. Perry left him crucified to the wall, writing the word “DISCIPLINE” above his head in his blood.

Perry's body was becoming more and more wrecked. He was covered in blood, his collarbone/shoulder was slowly rotting with apoptosis from the dead Triangle inside it, removing the Triangle in his shin had severed a tendon inside it, so he could only hop around and his butt was had third-degree burns from sitting on a stove to kill the Triangle there. By this time, Perry's Triangles had told him that they needed to get to a town called Wahjamega, and he also knew he needed to get out of his apartment before the government soldiers he'd called with his email arrived. Luckily, there was another infected person in the same apartment complex, in a different building. So he packed a few necessary items, including his butcher's block, into a bag and left. Just in time, too, as he saw the police arrive at his house (not the government from the email, but from a noise complaint from his neighbour. Perry had been screaming on and off for days by this point) from where he was hiding in the next building over.

So he found the other infected. It was a woman he called Fatty Patty, and he mirrored his father's behaviour towards his mother with her, beating her up, taunting her verbally, expecting her to obey him because of his violence. He watched the police and the feds search his apartment building from her window, watched them find Bill's body. And then the Triangles Fatty Patty had hatched. They burst out of her, killing her painfully while Perry watched, the alien pyramid-shaped creatures running around her apartment on little spindly tentacles. It was then that he determined he would have to get rid of his Triangles. All of them.

He prepared himself, searching out all the alcohol in her apartment and getting his butcher's block ready. Then, he shut himself in the bathroom and proceeded to get rid of the last three Triangles. First, he set himself on fire to get rid of the Triangle on his back, then he cut his forearm up something shocking, stabbing through the Triangle's three black eyes. And then, there was only one left. After contemplating suicide, having a vision of his father telling him to man up, and then finally seeing the Triangle in his balls moving as if it was about to hatch? Perry took his pair of chicken scissors and castrated himself.

Then, completely naked and holding his severed dick in his hand, he hopped his way out of her apartment, setting it on fire as he left. He still had to get to Wahjemega. Something was coming, and he could feel it, even after he'd stopped the Triangles' voices in his head. But the feds were waiting, and Dew Phillips, an old federal agent whose partner had been killed by an infected man, followed Perry outside, coming to a confrontation. Perry would not stop, despite burns, blood loss, and extensive trauma. Dew shot him in the shoulder, only to have Perry get back up and keep coming for him. So then Dew shot him in his bad knee, and Perry went down.

Margaret Montoya, the lead doctor working on the Triangle case, managed to stop the apoptosis reaction and save Perry's life (and reattach his penis :C). And then comes the next book, Contagious, but as I'm taking him from the end of Infected, you don't get that. Suffice to say that he kills a load of infected people, including a toddler who he kicks against the side of a table. :c

Sample Journal Entry: What, no hospital? What happened to that chick, Montoya? The one wearing that stupid suit. Never thought I'd just wake up in my own room after the week from hell. It's like I'm goddamn Dorothy or something, waking up in black and white in Kansas. So where's Auntie Em, huh?

Bet that's too much to ask, right? If it'd all been a fucking dream, I don't think I'd still have my magnificent scars from the Magnificent motherfucking Seven.

And you know what? Last I checked, my apartment had a fucking bathroom. Trust me, I spent enough time passed out on that floor. I think I'd know.

So where the fuck am I?

Sample RP: Perry couldn't stay in his apartment; he couldn't look at his couch or the wall behind it. There was no sign of what had happened, it didn't look like there had ever been anything out of place there at all. But still, every time he even glanced over the spot he saw Bill, sitting there, his arms spread out, his hands- No. Perry had to get out of his apartment. Even if that meant braving the epic fucking weirdness of a giant cruise ship in space.

He wandered the halls, limping a bit. Yeah, he could walk on it, but that didn't mean that the knee that that goddamn fed had shot out from under him didn't hurt. Play through the pain, he told himself. You're a fucking Dawsey; this is nothing. Someone jostled him, moving fast to get past him, and Perry nearly fell, his stance at that moment so unbalanced. He gritted his teeth, clenched his massive fists. What had happened to Scary Perry Dawsey? How the fuck had this all happened to him?

Lurching his huge bulk up the stairs, he broke out into a weird kind of sunlight on a wide open deck. He had believed, objectively, after he'd been told by many people, that he was floating through space on a enormous tin boat, but to actually see it, see the planets close by... It was too much. It was hard just to breathe. He could hear Bill in his head, screaming.


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