Deck 7
hatesallmen - Room 6203
justcallmeprez - Room 6200
pretendnaughty - Room 6215
ouuuuuu - Room 6221
of_therebellion - Room 6273
ugly_am_i - Room 6276
teethofneedles - Room 6307
lovefromsakura - Room 6315
r0dform - Room 6400
the_incendiary - Room 6467
sw0rdform - Room 7325
If your character isn't here, it's probably because Yonekuni doesn't really have much of an opinion on them (although if your character is male, it's safe to say he doesn't like them). Ping me and we'll plot.
Agripina: (+) Talk about a hot voice. If he wasn't already taken, he would be in her pants so fast.
Amaria: (+) Likes her, if only because she found and returned Shiro's wallet.
Bryn: (+) She smells normal, this is an automatic plus. He thinks she should loosen up a little, and stop worrying so much about people hurting her.
Christine: (+) He understands how sucky it must be to not speak the main language of the ship well, and wants to help her learn English. He also thinks her wanting to change Erol is fucking ridiculous, and is determined to protect her from him.
Daisy: (+) Yonekuni kind of hopes she's right about her friends coming to save them, but isn't getting his hopes up. He is getting his hopes up for that food, though.
Daniella: She's a bit weird, but seems nice enough.
Ichigo: (+) Easily flatterable. He likes the fact that she speaks Japanese, too. If only Hikaru would butt the hell out. ♥
Janelle: Nice girl with a pretty voice.
Lily: (+) She seems to be rather talkative and friendly, and doesn't mind her calling him 'Yoneigh' too much. He doesn't really approve of her hanging out with Batou, and is somewhat curious about how she can be a dog but not know about Madararui.
Mary: (+) Thinks she's adorable and innocent, even though he doesn't actually know her name.
Michelle: (+) Yonekuni feels guilty that he never found her, and is pretty worried about her.
Niamh: (+) Thinks she's a cute little girl, although it's a bit weird she is afraid of needles but not bees.
River: Dislikes her. She sounded nice at first, but then she turned out to be crazy. Too bad.
Sakura: (+) She sounds like a sweet girl, does see why she bothers with Torn.
Stewardess: (+) Yonekuni's favourite crew member so far, although being the only female didn't make that hard. Turning up the heat for him didn't hurt, either. ♥
Batou: (--) Hates him. Homewrecking asshole.
Captain Redd: (--) Hates him. Crazy kidnapping asshole.
Erol: (---) Hates him. Fucking rapist. Is more angry at the fact that the rape bothered Shiro than the fact that Lucy was violated. If he ever hurts Shiro, he will be out for his blood, despite the fact that Erol kicked his ass.
Even: (--) Hates him. Unhelpful ignorant American.
Haine: (-) Dislikes him. Weirdo recluse.
Jackie: Dislikes him slightly less than the rest, since he was helpful and didn't try to force conversation.
Jak: (-) Dislikes him. Soulless weirdo.
Jared: (-) Dislikes him. Freaking stupid.
Kage: (-) Dislikes him. WONT TAKE HIM HOME. He did tell Yonekuni where the bar was, though, so that earned him a few points.
Kamui: (-) Dislikes him. Unhelpful guy who believes in other worlds.
Lucy: (-) Dislikes him. He really sounded like a girl, and Yonekuni was pretty aggravated to find out he wasn't. In his mind, everything between them was forgotten when he apologized. He does feel a bit bad about what Erol did to him.
Moth: (-) Dislikes him. Stupid and unhelpful.
Pan: (--) Hates him. Goddamned smartass cat. Thinks the fact he's fixed is HILARIOUS, and is irrationally angry about the talking cat not believing that he's a crocodile.
Razer: (-) Dislikes him. Soulless freak with elf ears that wont mind his own business. He's regretting ever showing that little bit of his soul's appearance to him, since it's a very private thing. Then again, Razer's pretty much a monkey and wouldn't understand what it means, anyhow.
Rolo: (--) Hates him. Little shit kicked his ass, though Yonekuni'll never acknowledge that it happened. Otherwise he seems annoyingly wimpy, and needs to stay out of other people's business.
Shiro: (♥) I really have to explain this one? Yonekuni loves Shiro to bits, even if he's a bit awkward in expressing it at times. He's super protective of him, so if you so much as touch the boy prepare to get your ass kicked.
Subaru: (-) Dislikes him. Crazy who believes in other worlds.
Torn: (-) Dislikes him. Just where does he get off ordering Yonekuni around? He's not Sakura's dad or anything.
Vago: (-) Dislikes him. Borderline retarded. Possibly involved with Rolo.
Wolf: (--) Hates him. Thinks he's stupid, and is admittedly a little afraid of him moving in on Shiro, not that he'd ever admit it.