Jul 05, 2012 01:46
These kids walk through vacant streets, withering buildings, & blackened skies.
With bottles of color they spray their feelings for the world to see, their breath visible,
Like a smoky haze.
Hoods up, hats on, cigarettes lit
These kids dream
Challenging the laws set before them, wishing the days wouldn’t ever end, that the fountain of youth would soon uncover itself to them, these kids dream.
That one day a non-synthetic happiness will find them, the clouds in their minds will come to pass. Wallets full of untainted capital, from sweat but not tears.
Prisoners to the sugar and candy, prisoners to the blood and sin, these kids sleep.
They sleep to dream the dreams which will never be realized.
The dreams of busy streets, beautiful buildings, and sunny skies,
The dreams that become nightmares, when they awake.
So sleep kids. Forever.