Aug 15, 2005 15:36
why is it that no matter how many 'friends i have all i do is sit at home alone? i call to see if they want to hang out and they either ignore me or just don't "feel" like it.... so now all i can do is cry... and realize just how pathetice i am.... Am i that annoying? not even my b/f really WANTS to hang out / me...maybe thay do and im just a Drama Queen... but it REALLY doesn't feel like it....i try to hang out w/ people i really do.. but theres a point that i get to when i have to just say FUCK IT! FUCK IT ALL!!!! whats the point in just sitting there trying to hang out w/ people when they don't even want you around....???it hurts knowing that im not even wanted.... im sure people have felt this before... but not every day like me... every day rejected... everyday crying... every day depression.... it sucks when i can honestly say that when i did drugs i had more friends then now.... now.. im sober and have no one.... or so it seems... now i know im not gonna get any comments on this just like all the rest of my jornal entries... so now i will just go sit and cry out my sarrows.....