Mar 28, 2006 14:15
I will tell you two little stories here today.
1) Skydiving with a hangover is not a good idea. Patrick if you read this I was as at a ~80% while in the plane, it was not fun. So ok maybe that was not a story but hey it is my LJ.
2) This is more of a conversation log.
This start out on Monday night
RoomMate: How long have you had those doughnuts?
Me: Not for sure?
RM: Are you going to ever eat them?
Me: Yeah, why wouldn't I!
RM: They have been there so long they must be moldy.
Me: Naaa, doughnuts don't go bad let alone grow mold.
RM: Just keep telling yourself.
Now fast forward to Tuesday
Me: I eat mold like you for breakfast
RM: You eat mold.
Me: Yep, this morning.
RM: you ate those doughnuts didn't you?
Me: Yeppers
RM: Told you,
ME: Yeah, kind of hard to see white fuzz on a white doughnut.
RM: those tricky bastards
Me: ...........
RM: First thought FUCK, second thought gag reflex
Me: yep just about it.
So the moral of the story is when a bag of doughnuts has the Date Feb 22 printed on it that does not mean you can eat them in March almost April